Generation Meathead | The Z Blog

Filmmaker, actor and outspoken Donald Trump detractor Rob Reiner says it is impossible to level with the Republican presidential nominee’s bigoted supporters, who are “mostly white males who don’t have college degrees.”

Translation: They haven’t been properly indoctrinated in the sewer that is what passes for Leftist ‘thought’.

Source: Generation Meathead | The Z Blog

University of Colorado Bans Free Inquiry of Students Questioning Global Warming

The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs has clamped down on students who challenge the orthodoxy regarding manmade global warming.

Seems they’re losing the argument. The closing of the American mind is alive and well at U of Colorado.

Source: University of Colorado Bans Free Inquiry of Students Questioning Global Warming

Sultan Knish: Why We Will Defeat Islam

A cell of three people somewhere in New Jersey is really hard to disrupt because you don’t know about it. Secrecy is the greatest weapon of Islamic terrorists. It goes out the window when they have a state.

Victimhood becomes much harder. It’s why the PLO and Hamas don’t really want a Palestinian State. They want to demand one until the camels come home. And they want to blame Israel for it.

But actually having a state means having responsibility. You get treated like a country. And you get bombed like a country.

Source: Sultan Knish: Why We Will Defeat Islam


Behold the Courage of Colin Kaepernick, America’s Greatest Hero – Kurt Schlichter

And then there are the people who call Kaepernick “brave.” Some people really think that this tattooed goof is taking a risk. Of what? Of being celebrated by the liberal media? Of getting attention his abilities on the field sure won’t earn him? Hell, the NFL won’t even clearly repudiate his idiotic views; of course, it also won’t let the Cowboys honor the cops some other Black Lives Matter fan murdered. That’s another reason to eschew pro sports.

Source: Behold the Courage of Colin Kaepernick, America’s Greatest Hero – Kurt Schlichter

Sultan Knish: Nation Building or Islam Building

We did no better in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan whose constitution declared much the same thing. Its first parliamentary elections saw victories for the National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan and the Islamic Society. As in Iraq and Syria, the distinctions between the bad Islamists and the good Islamists were often fuzzy at best. We had replaced the bad Islamist warlords who raped and murdered their enemies with the good Islamist warlords who raped and murdered their enemies.

Source: Sultan Knish: Nation Building or Islam Building

Milwaukee – The Unz Review

The cultural divide appears unbridgeable. Blacks are a self-aware, aggrieved, and angry people widely apart from the civilization of whites. They have little desire for assimilation and indeed actively reject it. In Mexico, blacks speak normal Spanish and, in France, normal French. In America, Dat be actin’ white. They give their children strange names, Latoyota and Keeshawn, to maintain distance from whites. Their music is both frequently obscene and frequently hostile to whites. “Acting white,” as for example by studying, is punitively disdained. This is not headed for comfortable multicultural commensalism.

Source: Milwaukee – The Unz Review