02/05/2025 Wednesday

The study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing a range of other neurodevelopmental disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.

‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

Bill Gates says that in the near future humans won’t be needed for “most things” thanks to AI, but will still be required for the purposes of entertainment.

Won’t be needed by… who, exactly?

Bill Gates Says ‘Humans Won’t Be Needed For Most Things’

Illegal aliens don’t want to assimilate, they want to pillage and if possible to conquer.  This is why you see hundreds of Mexican flags flying at every migrant protest march; they have no interest in becoming American, they only want access to American wealth.  They look at the US citizenry as rubes and easy targets for plunder.

Why Mass Deportations Are Necessary And How To Keep Illegals From Coming Back


Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladidmir Putin

Tucker Carlson interview with Putin.
A timeline of subjects covered:
00:00:00 — Introduction
00:02:00 — Putin gives a history of Russia & Ukraine
00:25:04 — NATO Expansion
00:30:40 — NATO & Bill Clinton
00:41:10 — Ukraine
00:48:30 — What triggered this conflict?
01:02:37 — A peaceful solution?
01:11:33 — Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines?
01:24:13 — Re-establishing communication with the US
01:36:33 — How powerful is Zelensky?
01:48:36 — Elon Musk & AI
01:51:07 — Imprisoned American journalist Evan Gershkovich

Principles are for losers

Principles are only worth sticking to if your opponent is also principled. Republicans keep forgetting the old truism that the aggressor makes the rules. Democrats are the aggressors and they are utterly UNPRINCIPLED.
So Republicans should be fighting like Sherman Marching to the Sea. Not losing with honor and their principles intact. That just makes you losers and nobody will remember your principles.
When the Left burned cities, 99% got a slap on the wrist and rarely jail time. Cons go wandering around the capital and they get a vast panoply of human rights violations against them. Obama was the most corrupt administration in recent history except Biden. But they don’t get investigated. Cons get dragged out of their house in the middle of the night by SWAT teams and shown off to the media over obscure regulations. Trump was investigated repeatedly and illegally for things that were never even CONSIDERED worthy of investigation in previous administrations.…
Nobody has been afraid of the Republicans in my LIFETIME. Lois Lerner can laugh at a congressional committee the Republicans are running and gets away with it. Strosz can smirk and preen. Bureaucrats and businessmen flat out lie to Republican leadership and nothing happens.
But they don’t do that to Democrats. Why?
Because if you do, the Left will kill you. They will f’ing DESTROY YOU.…
So why doesn’t the Right (metaphorically) kill people who disrespect their leadership? Why do the bureaucrats and businesses think they can screw over the Right but not the Left?*
The PRINCIPLES! PRINCIPLES! PRINCIPLES! crowd has been a Conservative Surrender Chorus for as long as I can remember.
A guest post by John Ringo. Read the whole thing.

MUST READ: “By Complying with the COVID-19 Guidelines I Would Be Participating in Terrorism” – VA Nurse Sends Out Letter and Compared the Guidelines as an ‘Act of Terrorism’

I believe the universal mask-wearing, the PCR test, and the vaccinations are all experimental and cannot be mandated and at this time. The mandates are now being contested through the judicial system.  download (fda.gov)CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel – Instructions for Use (fda.gov)COVID-19 Vaccines | FDA.  I believe the current protocols are a failure in preventing infections or transmissions and the primary reason for the protocols is to create an atmosphere of terror for which the only solution given is an experimental vaccine. This is terrorism, coercion to force patients to participate in an experimental treatment, and in direct violation of the Nuremburg Code. The Nuremberg Code (cirp.org).


Source: MUST READ: “By Complying with the COVID-19 Guidelines I Would Be Participating in Terrorism” – VA Nurse Sends Out Letter and Compared the Guidelines as an ‘Act of Terrorism’

Kristi Noem Is[n’t] Right About Employer Vaccine Mandates

“When leaders overstep their authority, that is how we break this country, and if government starts acting unconstitutionally, even if it’s doing something that we like, that’s a dangerous path to walk down,” she said. “It is not conservative to grow government and to tell businesses what to do and how to treat their employees.” — Kristi Noem

She’s wrong, of course.

Government’s job is to protect the rights of citizens. Businesses that transgress citizens’ rights need to be reigned in. That’s where she’s wrong.

Businesses are private entities. Citizens are private entities. Since when does one private entity have the right to mandate another private entity do something in violation of their rights?

Being an employee does not mean you are owned by the business. You are NOT ‘their’ employee. That would make you a de facto slave. I was under the impression that we had outlawed slavery in this country.

In fact, it is the other way around. Citizens are real. Business as a ‘private entity’ is a legal fiction. They don’t really exist. A ‘business entity’ is a just collection of other private citizens who, again, have no right to mandate another private citizen do anything in violation of their rights as citizens.

Reason Magazine taking her side shows (as if it needed showing again) why ‘libertarianism’ is a false road to travel. Slavery is okay with them as long as it is done by private business. There’s no concern about individual rights, or community traditions, or religious beliefs.

Source: Kristi Noem Is Right About Employer Vaccine Mandates

May 1: Victims of Communism Day | Ten Films to Honor the Dead | MissLiberty.com

Every May 1st for the last several years, Ilya Somin has written an editorial for the Washington Post declaring the “May Day” so beloved by the Left to be renamed “Victims of Communism Day.” I concur, and so, while socialists blissfully celebrate their worker’s paradise this May Day, indifferent to the human cost of their political philosophy, I propose that well-meaning people consider watching a film on the subject, both out of respect for those lost and to be intellectually armed against the ignorance of those still in denial. Here are some recommendations.

Remind yourself and others of what the Democrats have in store for you. They may call it the ‘green new deal,’ or ‘critical race theory,’ or ‘climate change,’ but it’s the same old Communism espoused by Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, etc. They are on record as wanting you dead if you don’t submit.

Source: May 1: Victims of Communism Day | Ten Films to Honor the Dead | MissLiberty.com