Deterrence? We don’t need no stinkin’ deterrence.

“Deterrence MUST be Job One. That is the military’s reason to exist. We haven’t been doing well at that, because of all the other things that congress critters thought were more important. When we are no longer the biggest fleet in the world, and our ships have to come limping back home from missions they were designed to excel at, that doesn’t deter aggression.”

Source: All the Answers

A Colossal Failure

The COVID-19 vaccines—and the new bivalents, of which they are a part—are alarmingly and irredeemably unsafe, as well as ineffective for the advertised purposes. It is increasingly recognized by laypeople, physicians, and scientists throughout the world that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe, nor effective, nor reversible.

We knew this instinctively from the start. There was NO pandemic. People WEREN’T dying in the streets. Hospitals were NOT overflowing. This was a manufactured crisis to engage in genocidal population reduction.

All involved need to be tried and executed for Crimes Against Humanity.

Source: A Colossal Failure Around the World

Why Woke Organizations All Sound the Same | City Journal

It’s Stone Age magical thinking:

Based on his study of a Stone Age culture in New Guinea, Bronisław Malinowski argued that when people face uncertainty, they turn to magic to propitiate the capricious spirits responsible for their incomprehensible misfortune. Being ever-so-sophisticated people who attended business school, corporate executives don’t hire shamans to replenish fisheries or to avoid a storm. Instead, they bring in consultants to help the firm embrace best practices. But as Charles Fain Lehman explains, John Meyer and Brian Rowan’s 1977 paper in the American Journal of Sociology, “Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony,” argues that this distinction is a farce—that much behavior as practiced by modern corporations, NGOs, and government agencies is not about technical efficacy that rationally orients means to ends but ritual, vaguely intended to elicit good fortune by achieving legitimacy with the firm’s “environment.”
So “wokeism” is the new Stone Age “magical thinking.” I’m reminded of a quote from Walden by Henry David Thoreau:
“The head monkey at Paris puts on a traveler’s cap, and all the monkeys in America do the same.”
He was talking about clothing fashions but it works for social fashions too. Just substitute ‘government’ for Paris and ‘corporations’ for America.

Source: Why Woke Organizations All Sound the Same | City Journal

The COVID vaccination program is the largest medical experiment in human history


Facebook slaps this blatant lie on every post about the Wuhan flu “vaccines.” This makes Facebook accessory to the largest potential genocide in human history. Note they never list those ‘tests’. And why “monitor closely” if it passed those ‘tests’ and is safe?

• It was known by the FDA and others that no previous coronavirus vaccines ever passed animal trials. The test animals got seriously ill or died. These experimental vaccines were shown to make worse the symptoms of the disease they were supposed to suppress. (“The delta variant is the vaccine-injured.”)
• Initially, Pfizer was running a 44,000 person clinical trial to see if its COVID-19 vaccine had adverse long-term effects. Against the strong recommendation of the FDA and in midstream of the test, Pfizer offered its vaccine to members of the placebo control group. Many took it, negating the validity of trial. This means Pfizer didn’t complete any long-term testing to establish the safety of its vaccine.
• Rest easy. These novel messenger-RNA vaccines are now being thoroughly tested …. tested on all those have been vaccinated. Those people, whether they know it or not and whether the like it or not, are part of the largest medical experiment in human history. This is where all the adverse events, if any, will surface and presumably be addressed. That those vaccinated were never fully told of the risks involved, however, means they could not have given their informed consent to being injected.

Source: The COVID vaccination program is the largest medical experiment in human history

So much for the COVID-19 vaccination!

In other words there is no public health benefit to the jabs.  These fully vaccinated people not only got the virus they gave it to others.  That, my friends, is what everyone claimed wouldn’t happen — if you got jabbed you protected other people … We now know that claim was a lie.  It was a lie by lack of knowledge before; now it is a straight-up knowing lie to repeat it.

Add this to all the other lies.

Why would you take any sort of personal health advice — now that it’s admitted that’s all the jab advocacy is — from the very same people who have been caught lying serially on virtually every topic related to Covid since last spring?

Source: So much for the COVID-19 vaccination!

Where We Are Now

Sarah A. Hoyt goes on an epic rant…

The left (and a lot of the right) elite are the most corrupt and incompetent buffoons since late Roman decadence. It’s probably inevitable when you have vast resources, a concentration of power, and a fawning news media/public opinion.

Everything about them, from their family lives to their business doings to their public and private behavior, when poked at exudes a stench that tells you their bios are like a demon’s resume. It’s filth layered on filth and given a veneer of normalcy that wouldn’t fool anyone who looked at it more than two seconds.

Read the whole thing.

Source: Where We Are Now

Dune and Covid

Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam:
“I hold at your neck the gom jabbar,” she said. “The gom jabbar, the high-handed enemy. It’s a needle with a drop of poison on its tip. Ah-ah! Don’t pull away or you’ll feel that poison. […] This one kills only animals.”

Paul Atreides:
“Are you suggesting the Duke’s son is an animal?”

Reverend Mother:
“Let us say I suggest you may be human. Your awareness may be powerful enough to control your instincts. Your instinct would be to remove your hand from the box. If you do so, you die. You will feel… an itching… there! Now, the itching becomes burning. Heat upon heat upon heat.”

“It burns!”

Reverend Mother:
“Silence! SILENCE!!”

In Dune, the science-fiction masterpiece by Frank Herbert, there was a test you had to take to ‘prove’ you were a human. This test involved something that instilled fear in you and a ‘gom jabbar’. The gom jabbar was a poisoned needle held at your throat during the test. You had to be perfectly still. No flinching.
To pass the test, thus proving you were human, you conquered your fear, did not flinch, and did not receive the gom jabbar.
If you failed the test, flinched, thus proving you were not human, you received the poisoned needle – the gom jabbar – and died.
Fear of Covid is our test. A fear that is being artificially promulgated by government, ‘celebrities’, corporations, and other shadowy ‘elites’ for nefarious purposes.
Will you succumb to it? Will you unthinkingly ‘flinch’ and receive the alleged ‘vaccine’ – the ‘gom jabbar’ – the experimental genetic treatment with unknown but likely detrimental side effects… including death?
Or will you conquer the false fear of Covid, thus proving you are an intelligent human being, one who doesn’t flinch due to fear, and reject the alleged ‘vaccine’?