Deterrence? We don’t need no stinkin’ deterrence.

“Deterrence MUST be Job One. That is the military’s reason to exist. We haven’t been doing well at that, because of all the other things that congress critters thought were more important. When we are no longer the biggest fleet in the world, and our ships have to come limping back home from missions they were designed to excel at, that doesn’t deter aggression.”

Source: All the Answers

The Kakistocracy

I’ve been saying, and writing, for some years now that our republic has devolved into a kakistocracy – that is, government by the very worst, least capable among us. As evidence I offer the President, a drooling, senile incompetent. I would also offer the aforementioned Vice President, who rode into politics atop Willie Brown’s penis and has demonstrated no talent or ability beyond that. And how about this administration’s Press Secretary, a blatant diversity hire who is probably the worse person to ever hold that position?
This is an administration that, in the name of “diversity,” put a luggage thief in charge of nuclear waste disposal; kept a soft-shelled invertebrate as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; I could go on all day.
I know I’ve said it before and I know I’ll say it again; 2024 can’t come soon enough. But these issues only affect one-third of the Imperial government; if you think that Congress hasn’t been captured by the kakistocracy as well, I can only refer you to the infamous “Squad” as proof.

Who Do They Think They’re Kidding?

On Thursday, FBI Director Chris Wray and Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas warned Americans that terrorist threats are rising in the US since Hamas attacked Israel, October 7th. Mr. Wray explained: “Here in the U.S., we cannot and do not discount the possibility that Hamas or other foreign terrorist organizations could exploit the conflict to call on their supporters to conduct attacks on our own soil.” We must be especially alert to the “lone wolf” lurking  amongst us, he added.

Neither of these officials noted that the rising terror threat here had any relation to the thousands of aliens streaming daily across the US border unvetted, or that the agencies under Homeland Security were helping to distribute them into every corner of America by plane and bus, giving them free cell phones, loaded debit cards, and other rewards for breaking the law.

Source: Who Do They Think They’re Kidding?


A Colossal Failure

The COVID-19 vaccines—and the new bivalents, of which they are a part—are alarmingly and irredeemably unsafe, as well as ineffective for the advertised purposes. It is increasingly recognized by laypeople, physicians, and scientists throughout the world that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe, nor effective, nor reversible.

We knew this instinctively from the start. There was NO pandemic. People WEREN’T dying in the streets. Hospitals were NOT overflowing. This was a manufactured crisis to engage in genocidal population reduction.

All involved need to be tried and executed for Crimes Against Humanity.

Source: A Colossal Failure Around the World

A huge Democrat mess…

Democrat policies attacking morality, the family, and border security have led to this mess.

Jorge Bonilla, who works at the Media Research Center as director of the organization’s “MRC Latino,” speculated that one possible reason for the mother suddenly defending her daughter’s confessed rapist may be a fear of deportation if the authorities look more closely into the case.

“This appears to confirm my thesis of a domestic situation wherein the confessed rapist is also the paramour of the victim’s mother (other familial relation is possible but less likely),” Bonilla explained. “Unfortunately, I saw many such cases while working as a court interpreter.”

“The mother’s distressed defense of the rapist suggests that, a: She is also here illegally and fears deportation,” Bonilla continued. “B: The defendant is the family’s sole source of income, c: There is a likelihood of other children in the home, d: Mom is exposed to removal of the children under dependency proceedings (failure to protect). Has there been such a filing yet and if not why not?”

Source: Mother of 10-Year-Old Rape Victim in Ohio Offers Incoherent Defense of Accused Rapist

Defense in Depth

Ask a leftist the very most basic question you can, and you will never get an answer. Try “What imbues a human life with value?”, and you’ll get a pile of hard luck pregnancy cases, and some very impolite descriptions of your character. Ask “What characteristics define a woman?”, and you’ll get called a transphobe. (Matt Walsh has made much of his career out of this.) Ask “To what standard should we keep those that simply decline to work?” and you’ll get called heartless
This isn’t an accident. They KNOW that they can’t actually defend ANY of their positions, so they deflect from actual discussion OF those positions.
And here is where OUR failure begins, and where Donald Trump has shown us the way. We need to stop letting them get away with it! We need to start pointing out that their policies have led to tens of thousands of child sex slaves being brought across their unmonitored border, that the minimum wage leads ONLY to generational poverty, and benefits virtually no one. We need to keep asking the questions, and ignoring the obfuscation. We need to STOP pretending that they have “good intentions”, because anyone that is willing to lie to bring about their goals CANNOT mean well.