Deterrence? We don’t need no stinkin’ deterrence.

“Deterrence MUST be Job One. That is the military’s reason to exist. We haven’t been doing well at that, because of all the other things that congress critters thought were more important. When we are no longer the biggest fleet in the world, and our ships have to come limping back home from missions they were designed to excel at, that doesn’t deter aggression.”

Source: All the Answers

The Kakistocracy

I’ve been saying, and writing, for some years now that our republic has devolved into a kakistocracy – that is, government by the very worst, least capable among us. As evidence I offer the President, a drooling, senile incompetent. I would also offer the aforementioned Vice President, who rode into politics atop Willie Brown’s penis and has demonstrated no talent or ability beyond that. And how about this administration’s Press Secretary, a blatant diversity hire who is probably the worse person to ever hold that position?
This is an administration that, in the name of “diversity,” put a luggage thief in charge of nuclear waste disposal; kept a soft-shelled invertebrate as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; I could go on all day.
I know I’ve said it before and I know I’ll say it again; 2024 can’t come soon enough. But these issues only affect one-third of the Imperial government; if you think that Congress hasn’t been captured by the kakistocracy as well, I can only refer you to the infamous “Squad” as proof.

A Colossal Failure

The COVID-19 vaccines—and the new bivalents, of which they are a part—are alarmingly and irredeemably unsafe, as well as ineffective for the advertised purposes. It is increasingly recognized by laypeople, physicians, and scientists throughout the world that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe, nor effective, nor reversible.

We knew this instinctively from the start. There was NO pandemic. People WEREN’T dying in the streets. Hospitals were NOT overflowing. This was a manufactured crisis to engage in genocidal population reduction.

All involved need to be tried and executed for Crimes Against Humanity.

Source: A Colossal Failure Around the World

So much for the COVID-19 vaccination!

In other words there is no public health benefit to the jabs.  These fully vaccinated people not only got the virus they gave it to others.  That, my friends, is what everyone claimed wouldn’t happen — if you got jabbed you protected other people … We now know that claim was a lie.  It was a lie by lack of knowledge before; now it is a straight-up knowing lie to repeat it.

Add this to all the other lies.

Why would you take any sort of personal health advice — now that it’s admitted that’s all the jab advocacy is — from the very same people who have been caught lying serially on virtually every topic related to Covid since last spring?

Source: So much for the COVID-19 vaccination!

This fraud won?

“We cannot serve two masters. Joe Biden is not the legal President of the country. This statement means that the electoral college has supported treason by certifying the 2020 fraudulent election. One President is loved by the people. The other president cannot come out in public and face the people. Why do you think the traitors are hiding behind armed troops in the Capital?”

Source: The Consent of the People

Cost of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report

In the debate over coronavirus policy, there has been far too little focus on the costs of lockdowns. It’s very common for the proponents of these interventions to write articles and large studies without even mentioning the downsides.

Here is a brief look at the cost of stringencies in the United States, and around the world, including stay-at-home orders, closings of business and schools, restrictions on gatherings, shutting of arts and sports, restrictions on medical services, and interventions in the freedom of movement.

All of this is good news to the Communist Democrat Party.

Source: Cost of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report

Horowitz: While Americans are locked up without judicial review, courts grant new rights to criminal aliens!

Let’s review the outcomes from the COVID-19 crisis:

  • Most sweeping restrictions, surveillance, and confinement of Americans indefinitely without due process in the history of America? Check!
  • Endless welfare, debt, and spending? Check!
  • Mass release of criminals? Check!
  • More foreign workers as a time of record unemployment? Check!
  • More rights for illegal aliens to come and remain here? Check!

Why is it that every policy outcome from this crisis is a long-standing liberal priority, even when the several outcomes contradict the rationale underlying some of the others?

Source: Horowitz: While Americans are locked up without judicial review, courts grant new rights to criminal aliens!