Heads need to roll

James O’Keefe released a report just before the inauguration, where a former FBI agent was bragging to an undercover reporter about how he had been in the Tank (that is the Pentagon underground command post) meeting with a number of senior military Generals, and they were planning to resist the legitimate orders of the President upon his inauguration. This wasn’t a one time conversation- this FBI agent was a senior advisor to the Pentagon, and also a key player in the efforts to torpedo Trump’s 2016 campaign for the Clinton campaign.

During these meetings, according to the interview, high-level Pentagon officials were discussing in secret meetings defying and potentially overthrowing Trump if he issued orders deemed controversial by military leadership. If that sentence doesn’t send a shiver down your spine, you don’t understand the US military.

Source: Article 94

“Take a step back and you see that every warning light is flashing red.”

As David points out, the Democrats don’t much like the Constitution itself, and he cites numerous books and articles by academic and media elites to that effect. It’s not just the elite either, with 49% of all Democrats thinking the document “should be mostly or completely rewritten.” The reasons vary, some Democrats believing that the document is tainted by its racist writers, other Democrats seeing it as a hindrance to the type of social change they wish to enact, and others just believing that a 240-year-old document is an archaic relic in need of a re-write.


By the way, I haven’t even delved into the vast array of dirty, norm breaking tricks that the Democrats have either engaged in or had revealed over the past four years, including lawfare, indictments, FBI raids, censorship, spying on campaigns by the security agencies, electoral chicanery, etc… All of which would lead to the understandable fear of the Democrats not relinquishing the White House to Trump.

Take a step back and you see that every warning light is flashing red.

Source: The Coming Storm

The Kakistocracy

I’ve been saying, and writing, for some years now that our republic has devolved into a kakistocracy – that is, government by the very worst, least capable among us. As evidence I offer the President, a drooling, senile incompetent. I would also offer the aforementioned Vice President, who rode into politics atop Willie Brown’s penis and has demonstrated no talent or ability beyond that. And how about this administration’s Press Secretary, a blatant diversity hire who is probably the worse person to ever hold that position?
This is an administration that, in the name of “diversity,” put a luggage thief in charge of nuclear waste disposal; kept a soft-shelled invertebrate as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; I could go on all day.
I know I’ve said it before and I know I’ll say it again; 2024 can’t come soon enough. But these issues only affect one-third of the Imperial government; if you think that Congress hasn’t been captured by the kakistocracy as well, I can only refer you to the infamous “Squad” as proof.

School District in New York Sends out Email Warning Parents of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Students Grades K-12

Mandating death by “vaccine.”
A concerned parent reached out to The Gateway Pundit saying that the email is very suspicious, considering New York is very close to mandating the COVID shot for students to attend school.
“I find it disturbing that they are now bringing on the new medical staff who specialize in sudden cardiac arrest. Considering we are seeing a lot of adolescents and athletes dying days after getting their COVID shots, it seems they are preparing for this.”

Source: School District in New York Sends out Email Warning Parents of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Students Grades K-12

Where We Are Now

Sarah A. Hoyt goes on an epic rant…

The left (and a lot of the right) elite are the most corrupt and incompetent buffoons since late Roman decadence. It’s probably inevitable when you have vast resources, a concentration of power, and a fawning news media/public opinion.

Everything about them, from their family lives to their business doings to their public and private behavior, when poked at exudes a stench that tells you their bios are like a demon’s resume. It’s filth layered on filth and given a veneer of normalcy that wouldn’t fool anyone who looked at it more than two seconds.

Read the whole thing.

Source: Where We Are Now

May 1: Victims of Communism Day | Ten Films to Honor the Dead | MissLiberty.com

Every May 1st for the last several years, Ilya Somin has written an editorial for the Washington Post declaring the “May Day” so beloved by the Left to be renamed “Victims of Communism Day.” I concur, and so, while socialists blissfully celebrate their worker’s paradise this May Day, indifferent to the human cost of their political philosophy, I propose that well-meaning people consider watching a film on the subject, both out of respect for those lost and to be intellectually armed against the ignorance of those still in denial. Here are some recommendations.

Remind yourself and others of what the Democrats have in store for you. They may call it the ‘green new deal,’ or ‘critical race theory,’ or ‘climate change,’ but it’s the same old Communism espoused by Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, etc. They are on record as wanting you dead if you don’t submit.

Source: May 1: Victims of Communism Day | Ten Films to Honor the Dead | MissLiberty.com