I see the black power radicals; they’re the ones shooting cops in the head. Where are the white nationalists we are told to be afraid of? They have been laying awfully low, in stark contrast to black supremacists and their supporters, who have been responsible for many hundreds of riots over the past year, injuring thousands of officers and causing $billions in damages.
Category: # blacklivesmatter
Flag burning is a right.

Gypsy weddings and America’s fundamental rejection of racism – Bookworm Room
She was rather shocked when I told her that racism has been intrinsic in all societies since the dawn of time. It is a way to keep valued traditions alive and to keep the tribe viable. Early tribal societies were miserable, with incredibly high attrition rates from disease, accidents, and war. The only way to keep the tribe members intact, lest they think the grass was greener where the other tribe lived, was to convince them that the other tribe was inferior down to the bone.
It’s only in America that we are organized around values, rather than race. That doesn’t mean we haven’t had racism and racists. (Duh! It’s our early experiment with racism that planted the seed that Marxists have nurtured into the poisonous fruit destroying us now.) It does mean, though, that as racism mercifully mostly disappeared and racists became the marginalized people (until Obama and BLM came along), America had another unifying principle to hang onto: The Constitution and our belief in the good things that flow from adherence to that doctrine.
The Black Lives Matter movement, with its obsession with race and its hatred for the Constitution, is leeching from America the only thing that made us American. Unless we stop these racial obsessions and the drift to racial tribalism, America as a nation will cease to exist.
Source: Gypsy weddings and America’s fundamental rejection of racism – Bookworm Room
There, I fixed it…

Kenosha Riots Turn Deadly
For the third consecutive night, Democratic voters ran wild in Kenosha, Wisconsin, engaging in vandalism, arson and assault. Two people were shot to death and a third seriously wounded in the mayhem, organized by #BlackLivesMatter as part of the Joe Biden presidential campaign.
This is the Democratic Party platform. This is Joe Biden’s agenda: Defund the police, destroy private property, turn loose violent mobs of criminal anarchists and racial gangs to terrorize citizens — it’s a live demonstration of the “progressive” ideology in action, and if you want this destructive chaos as the future of America, vote for Joe Biden.
The National Guard needs to be called out. This is insurrection. #BlackLivesMatter should be hunted down with extreme prejudice.
Also, the Democrat Party should be outlawed as a foreign terrorist organization. They are formenting sedition and rebellion and the hostile invasion of the United States of America.
Source: Kenosha Riots Turn Deadly
Black Lives Matter?
Why? Tell me why do they matter? All I see in the news is lives that need to be put down like rabid dogs.
The Morning Rant
During his sermon a couple of weeks ago, our pastor mentioned that recent events had caused to think about “privilege”, what it is and what it means. He suggested that a better word for it might be ‘blessings’. He didn’t specifically say this, but that fits in very well with the idea that progressivism is a heresy of Christianity. It’s actually not dignified enough to be a heresy, it’s more like a parody or lampoon.
The word ‘blessing’ carries with it the idea of fortune and favor, and concomitant gratitude, while ‘privilege’ immediately brings to mind envy, resentment, and bitterness. All of progressive religion is wrapped around those three (negative) things.…
…Another aspect of the progressive religion is that its disciples are taught that the reason they don’t have what they think they want (influence, success, a girlfriend) is because someone is deliberately preventing them from getting these things. This entity has been called such names as “The Man” or “The System” but lately has been called “White Privilege.” Like this is a zero-sum game where all of the white guys have taken all of it before anyone had the chance.
Source: Ace of Spades HQ
BLM: criminal slaves of the Democrat Party.
Black Lives Matter: Nothing but domestic terrorists
BLM claim they want “justice,” which is an outright lie. The last thing they want is to let any of their pet causes make their way through the American judicial system. They want special treatment, but more than that, they want mob rule.
BLM: the slaves of the Democrat Party.
BREAKING: Antifa terrorists to be bused to Sparta, Illinois with orders to burn farm houses and kill livestock in rural “white” areas
Today Natural News has learned that Antifa operatives are organizing a plan to bus large numbers of Antifa terrorists to the vicinity of Sparta, Illinois, where they will be directed to target rural white Americans by burning farm houses and killing livestock. The purpose of the attack, according to sources, is so that Antifa can send a message to white America that “not even rural whites are safe” from the reach of Antifa, and that if their radical left-wing demands are not yet, all of America will burn (not just the cities).
Read the whole thing.