Exclusive to the Trib: The immutable lessons of 9/11 | TribLIVE

Nonetheless, on that September day 15 years ago, Americans knew that unlike prior provocations that often went unanswered, these attacks could not be ignored or brushed aside. And they were not, certainly not by President George W. Bush. Taliban and al-Qaida were driven from power in Afghanistan in a brilliant military campaign. No due process rights were afforded on the Afghan battlefield, nor should they have been, any more than enemy combatants received U.S. constitutional protections in any other war we have fought. It was war, not law-enforcement, we were conducting, and rightly so.

Source: Exclusive to the Trib: The immutable lessons of 9/11 | TribLIVE

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Right-wing, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, Heterosexual. How else can I offend you today?