Shocking! Common Sense Prevails!

“Tax exemption is not ‘Federal financial assistance.’ This is not a novel concept. Indeed, since Title IX’s inception over fifty years ago, it has never been applied to organizations based solely on their tax exempt status. And for good reason. Although tax exemption is a tax benefit, that does not mean it is ‘Federal financial assistance’ for Title IX purposes. As noted above, ‘assistance’ means ‘aid, help, or support,’ which all connotate financial grants. Tax exemption, however, is the withholding of a tax burden, rather than the affirmative grant of funds. Thus, tax exemption is not ‘Federal financial assistance.’”

Source: Title IX Ruling Protects Homeschool from Federal Overreach

Why a Classical Education is Needed Now More Than Ever

The primary reason for my suggestion of a classical education to be reintroduced today, however, is that many of the cultural problems facing the United States (and other Western nations) is a lack of understanding of the West. Ignorance of Western ideas and history has caused the West to turn against itself, to hate its “history”, to slander its greatest figures, to disregard its laws, to undo its social and economic progress, and to dynamite its very foundations.

Souce: Why a Classical Education is Needed Now More Than Ever

On ‘Education’

I’ve been saying for years that a college “education” today is nothing more than job training. This guy basically says the same thing in 1987:

“Those of us who can look back to the humble stations of our parents or grandparents, who never saw the inside of an institution of higher learning, can have cause for self-congratulation. But—inevitably but—the impression that our general populace is better educated depends on an ambiguity in the meaning of the word education, or a fudging of the distinction between liberal and technical education. A highly trained computer specialist need not have had any more learning about morals, politics or religion than the most ignorant of persons. All to the contrary, his narrow education, with the prejudices and the pride accompanying it, and its literature which comes to be and passes away in a day and uncritically accepts the premises of current wisdom, can cut him off from the liberal learning that simpler folk used to absorb from a variety of traditional sources. It is not evident to me that someone whose regular reading consists of Time, Playboy, and Scientific American has any profounder wisdom about the world than the rural schoolboy of yore with his McGuffey’s reader.”

— Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind

Report: Professor Tells White Student if He’s Breathing, He ‘May Have Oppressed Somebody’ Today

The teacher then asked Brian if he’d oppressed anybody that day.

The kid said No.

Sam posed a potent Gotcha:

“You’re breathing. Have you left your house today?”


Academia for the win:

If that’s all it takes… if it’s that easy to oppress you… you deserve it!

Source: Report: Professor Tells White Student if He’s Breathing, He ‘May Have Oppressed Somebody’ Today

NYC Public School Calls for White Abolitionists

The East Side Community School in New York City teaches that there are eight ways to go about being white. The least awful is to be a white abolitionist. This is accomplished by:

Changing institutions, dismantling whiteness, and not allowing whiteness to reassert itself

This is from a “tool for action” the principal sent to the parents of white students at this public high school:

SCOOP: The principal of East Side Community School in New York sent white parents this “tool for action,” which tells them they must become “white traitors” and then advocate for full “white abolition.”

This is the new language of public education.

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) February 15, 2021


If this is what they send to the parents, imagine what they are teaching the kids.

Bear in mind that in the NYY region, whites are already a minority.

An entire generation is getting brainwashed to hate white people. Letting liberals control schools is not going to end well.

With Biden’s handlers in power, government employees are to be subjected to similar propaganda.

The last time we saw this level of race hatred as a fundamental component of a ruling oligarchy’s ideology, the result was the Holocaust.

Source: NYC Public School Calls for White Abolitionists

The Crisis in Civil Rights: Best Books and Articles on Race, Police, and the Welfare State | Williamson M. Evers, Ph.D.

A READING LIST FOR AMERICANS ON THE CRISIS IN CIVIL RIGHTS: Here’s an invaluable resource — a continuously updated compilation of authoritative and highly accessible works by conservative and libertarian thinkers on race, police and the welfare state, courtesy of the Independent Institute.

Hat tip: Instapundit

Source: The Crisis in Civil Rights: Best Books and Articles on Race, Police, and the Welfare State | Williamson M. Evers, Ph.D.

The Morning Briefing: We’ve Reached the Book Burning Phase of 2020 Riot Wokeness

You may have seen the phrase “decolonize your bookshelf” floating around. In essence, it is about actively resisting and casting aside the colonialist ideas of narrative, storytelling, and literature that have pervaded the American psyche for so long.

If you are white, take a moment to examine your bookshelf. What do you see? What books and authors have you allowed to influence your worldview, and how you process the issues of racism and prejudice toward the disenfranchised?


This racist drivel is from taxpayer-supported Several thoughts occur to me:

  1. Note how only whites have to examine our bookshelves? I have to assume that’s because blacks don’t have bookshelves seeing as how they are functionally illiterate.
  2. How DO I process ‘racism’? I don’t. It’s not an issue unless YOU are a racist and are constantly bringing it up. Hint: identity politics is nothing BUT racism.
  3. Disenfranchised? Again, a straw-man argument. If YOU are ‘disenfranchised’ you have done it to yourself. Your choices do that. Ditto for ‘marginalized’.

I refuse to examine my bookshelves, except to add to them using books most likely written by dead white males.

Source: The Morning Briefing: We’ve Reached the Book Burning Phase of 2020 Riot Wokeness

Age and Guile

I believe that this is why the most current most prominent spokes-idiot for the cause of countering Global Climate Change is a sixteen-year old spoiled child of Euro-privilege and bad parental/educational practice. And I will maintain that it is bad parental practice to allow teachers and mass media to scare the snot out of your offspring on a regular basis. Responsible parents are supposed to stand in the way of cranks, busybodies and propagandists, all of whom apparently get a great deal of satisfaction leaping out of metaphorical closets and yelling “Boo! Yer all gonna die!” just as they are supposed to stand in the way of their kids doing stupid things like getting neck tattoos and STDs. Well, I suppose that not all those people getting a rise out of scaring the snot out of kids can make horror movies, be Stephen King or even organize neighborhood haunted houses.

Source: Age and Guile