Age and Guile

I believe that this is why the most current most prominent spokes-idiot for the cause of countering Global Climate Change is a sixteen-year old spoiled child of Euro-privilege and bad parental/educational practice. And I will maintain that it is bad parental practice to allow teachers and mass media to scare the snot out of your offspring on a regular basis. Responsible parents are supposed to stand in the way of cranks, busybodies and propagandists, all of whom apparently get a great deal of satisfaction leaping out of metaphorical closets and yelling “Boo! Yer all gonna die!” just as they are supposed to stand in the way of their kids doing stupid things like getting neck tattoos and STDs. Well, I suppose that not all those people getting a rise out of scaring the snot out of kids can make horror movies, be Stephen King or even organize neighborhood haunted houses.

Source: Age and Guile

Fifty Years of Apocalyptic Global Warming Predictions and Why People Believe Them

You may have noticed that nearly all of the doomsday theories seem to begin with the phrase, “if current trends continue.” But, as I have just reviewed, current trends don’t continue. Global temperatures go down, then up, then stay flat. Population growth tapers off, new oil reserves are discovered, agricultural yields increase at even higher rates. Doomsday forecasters always overestimate gloomy trends and underestimate human ingenuity in problem solving.

Source: Fifty Years of Apocalyptic Global Warming Predictions and Why People Believe Them

Chuck Todd Devotes an Hour to Attacking a Strawman

The belief in human-caused warming exceeding a level that what would be relatively benign, and maybe even beneficial, is just that — a belief. It is not based upon known, established, and quantified scientific principles. It is based upon the assumption that natural climate change does not exist.

Got that. Let’s repeat:

It is based upon the assumption that natural climate change does not exist.

Source: Chuck Todd Devotes an Hour to Attacking a Strawman

The 1911 Heat Wave Was So Deadly It Drove People Insane

Ice and electric fans were luxuries, air conditioning unknown. Pedestrians fainted from the stifling heat. At night, the streets were filled with exhausted mothers walking up and down, trying to comfort their crying babies. They feared leaving them in their beds, lest they fail to wake up.  One police officer described the night during the 1911 heat wave as a ‘giant wail.

This is before man was causing ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’ by releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.

Source: The 1911 Heat Wave Was So Deadly It Drove People Insane

Los Angeles: Where the Streets Are Paved in White

In the most absurd use of taxpayer money, Los Angeles is trying to cool down the city and fight the effects of global warming by painting many of its streets white…

City officials, led by Mayor Eric Garcetti, are hoping that the whiter roadways will reduce the urban heat island (UHI) effect, which can make urban areas much warmer than rural areas.

What this really means is that so-called ‘global warming’ is nothing more than the well-known heat island effect skewing temperature data that is collected in urban areas. Global warming is a scam to collect more taxes and limit our freedoms.

Source: Los Angeles: Where the Streets Are Paved in White

Reality-denying Progressives call MAGA supporters “losers”

In Leftist Land, there is no such thing as fixed gender, controlled by a person’s DNA. Instead, there are 63 genders, all of which morph constantly because all 63 genders are actually fluid. This means that, in Leftist Land, boys are girls and girls are boys and all are both and and many are nothing at all.

In Leftist Land, the appropriate response to a murderous Allahu Akhbar attack is to repeat ad nauseum that “Islam is a religion of peace.”

Source: Reality-denying Progressives call MAGA supporters “losers”

Articles: Hurricanes, Climate Models, and Wild Guesses

Despite myriad predictions of monster storms after Hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans, there were not a plethora of superstorms to follow. Why not? These megastorms were predicted based on the “settled science” of global warming, climate change, severe weather, and the like.

Source: Articles: Hurricanes, Climate Models, and Wild Guesses

Blog: You just might be a Progressive Democrat if…

If you believe that being gay is hardwired and unchangeable but insist that male and female are merely social constructs and that folks can change their “gender identities” from one day to the next, there’s a good chance you are a Progressive Democrat.

Source: Blog: You just might be a Progressive Democrat if…