Video: A Death in Omaha

“How often have you heard liberal advocates of gun control speak about the need to “get guns off our streets”? Well, how do they suppose this is going to happen? Whose job will it be to apprehend criminals and confiscate their weapons? Cops, that’s who. And what will happen when, predictably, criminals don’t cooperate with the program? …
“Kenneth Jones could not be reached for comment.”

Nothing Can Placate the BLM Riot Mob, and ‘Journalists’ Are Part of the Mob

“Just so everybody is clear, I was front and center at the protest, at the riot,” Brooklyn, Minnesota, Police Chief Tim Gannon told reporters during a press conference Monday. His response came to a question from reporters about why he authorized the use of gas canisters following the issuance of a dispersal order.

In the video tweeted by the Washington Examiner Monday, one reporter exclaims, “There was no riot.” Another shouts “Don’t do that!” Multiple other reporters joined in with those objecting to the word “riot.”

I’m old enough to remember when the news was disseminated by people called news reporters. As you might expect, they reported on what actually happened. As Sgt. Friday would say, ‘just the facts.’

Nowadays instead of news reporters we have this social construct called a ‘journalist.’ A ‘journalist’ tells a story. Stories are fiction. Reality is called ‘news’ and ‘history.’ If reality goes against the storyline a ‘journalist’ will follow the storyline and lie to your face, as we see here.

This is why the media are called ‘fake news.’

Source: Nothing Can Placate the BLM Riot Mob, and ‘Journalists’ Are Part of the Mob

Another Tripwire Crossed – Pentagon Orders Updated Screening of Military to Identify “Extremist” Outlooks in Preparation for What is to Come… – The Last Refuge

Let me be clear…. I fully expect to see the standing U.S. military deployed against any state who stands up against unconstitutional federal demands.

The increased frequency of the military being politicized is what leads me to believe this phase is all just a public relations pre-positioning. I fully expect to see the standing U.S. military deployed against any state who stands up against unconstitutional federal demands… the likely origination point will be federal COVID mandates.

The leftists are weaponizing COVID mandates for a political agenda. It is only a matter of time before states start to rebel against federal COVID demands. That, in my opinion, will be the inflection point. That will be when the U.S. military is held as a compliance activation against any rebellious state. It could be another issue that activates this triggering of the military (ex. state election laws), but as it stands right now federal COVID compliance seems the most likely trigger.

Bottom line… The American electorate are being positioned to accept deployment of the U.S. military against U.S. citizens, under the guise of insurrection and/or a public threat. That is why we are seeing so much willful politicization of the military.

The Democrats are planning for war against the citizens of the United States. They are aiding and abetting the hostile invasion of this country by illegal aliens marching on our southern border. They are shredding Constitutional protections in the name of a fake flu pandemic. They are the bought and paid for minions of Communist China. Collusion is too weak a word for this. The word is treason.

Source: Another Tripwire Crossed – Pentagon Orders Updated Screening of Military to Identify “Extremist” Outlooks in Preparation for What is to Come… – The Last Refuge

Man who propped dead wife on couch in front of kids while they opened Christmas gifts convicted of murder – Breaking911

SANTA ANA, Calif. – An Anaheim man was convicted Wednesday of second degree murder for killing his wife on Christmas in 2011 and then propping her body on the couch while the woman’s children opened Christmas presents. He had previously spent time in jail for beating his wife. William Wallace, 39, of Anaheim, was indicted […]

WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG??? Indited in 2012 and only convicted this last Wednesday in 2021? Then waiting until June for sentencing?
And why 15-Life? This should be a capital crime with capital punishment.

Source: Man who propped dead wife on couch in front of kids while they opened Christmas gifts convicted of murder – Breaking911

St. Louis Elects Its First bLack Woman as Mayor: ‘I’m Ready to Get to Work’

Tishaura Jones will also be the first single mother to be the city’s leader

A woman who is a failure in her personal life has just been elected as “the first bLack woman as mayor of St. Louis.”

“St. Louis Public Radio repots that Jones will also be the first single mother to become mayor.”

See? Failure in her own life and the little racist thinks she can run a major city? Did I mention she’s a Democrat? Here’s her platform:

“I will not stay silent when I spot racism,” Jones, 49, said during her speech, delivered at the city’s Omega Center. “I will not stay silent when I spot homophobia or transphobia. I will not stay silent when I spot xenophobia. I will not stay silent when I spot religious intolerance. I will not stay silent when I spot any injustice.”

This is why Democrat-run cities look like Third-world countries. They are run by mentally ill failures looking for boogiemen like ‘racism’ and ‘transphobia’ instead of maintaining the city’s infrastructure and finances.

St. Louis is a threat to Missouri.

Source: St. Louis Elects Its First bLack Woman as Mayor: ‘I’m Ready to Get to Work’

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For years, the West has relied on so-called ‘chop suey’ fonts to communicate “Asianness” in food packaging, posters and ad campaigns. But such fonts perpetuate problematic stereotypes.

One way to know that you are about to be lied to is the use of the word “problematic.”

Source: Karate, Wonton, Chow Fun: The end of ‘chop suey’ fonts

THEY’RE HERE: Biden Regime Is Developing ‘Vaccine Passport’ Americans Must Have To Engage In Commerce – National File

Mark of the Beast 1.0!

Revelation 13:
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might BUY or SELL save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

According to those developing the vaccine passports, they must be entirely unique, and not able to be hacked or tampered with, lest Americans engage in commerce without taking one of the controversial vaccines.

Catch that? “Lest Americans engage in commerce…?” Who do they think they are?

Unconstitutional tyrants. That’s what they are.

Wake up people! Resist tyranny!

Source: THEY’RE HERE: Biden Regime Is Developing ‘Vaccine Passport’ Americans Must Have To Engage In Commerce – National File

Democrats Introduce New Green New Deal Bill Calling Fossil Fuels ‘Racist’

Systemic racism was certainly a serious issue, one which was imposed by the Democratic Party wherever it had power. That party divided the nation over the issue of slavery when a Republican — the party that was founded to end slavery — was elected president. President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, re-segregated the federal workforce after Republican President U.S. Grant de-segregated it. Democrats imposed Jim Crow. Democrats even successfully staged a coup against black Republicans, in Wilmington, North Carolina in 1898.

Source: Democrats Introduce New Green New Deal Bill Calling Fossil Fuels ‘Racist’

‘Ethnic Studies Is Life, Period’ – American Greatness

“Inside of the United States, native people have been actively fighting a long war to dismantle the United States,” said Stevie Ruiz, [a racist] who teaches in the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies at the California State University, Northridge, during a May 2020 online strategy session.

I’ve said this for years, Democrats are enemies of the United States. Here it is in their own words.

Source: ‘Ethnic Studies Is Life, Period’ – American Greatness