Remember, when making transpoultry, use pine tar.
Category: Culture: Standards
What are they “Proud” of? Day 5
Boycott Target!!!
“It’s worse than we even imagined. Target is a den of GR
Not exactly…
We think your opinion is trash because you are mentally ill.
The “trans” part is proof of your mental illness.
One of the main reasons Western civilization is falling is too much ‘tolerance’ of evil.
The secular month of state sanctioned sodomy
The sin in question is sodomy. This is now so important to our current elite that it has almost become a business in of itself, but without any of the charm of something like the traditional Mardi Gras found in different parts of the world. Companies and individuals compete with each other in order to publicly demonstrate their dedication to the cause of not just protecting the rights of homosexuals to exist, but in many cases to force their sinful ideology upon innocents.
Observing the rapid increase of devotion to the sodomite banner, I think it likely that we are not very far from a point where recruits to different government organisations will need to prove their worthiness to pass selection by having to participate in homosexual acts. Such a requirement would simultaneously ensure that different organisations will have selected suitable recruits, while also holding them to future coercion due to the stored recordings of such acts.
Source: The secular month of state sanctioned sodomy
Dear Western women: you are traitorous dimwits who must be spanked
But okay; ladies, if you’re serious, and I mean really serious about turning this ship around, here is what you have to do:
Shut the fuck up;Give up the vote;Retire from public life and devote yourselves to being good homemakers and raising your children;Defer all matters of importance to your husbands as you willingly admit that your brains just aren’t big enough to cope with complex ideas;Do your upmost to satisfy your husband and obey his commands;Return to Christianity and renounce the evils of feminism that helped get us into this mess;Oh, and shut the fuck up. That includes you, Danish journalist Iben Thranholm.
This is what is known as a good start.
Source: Dear Western women: you are traitorous dimwits who must be spanked
Man who propped dead wife on couch in front of kids while they opened Christmas gifts convicted of murder – Breaking911
SANTA ANA, Calif. – An Anaheim man was convicted Wednesday of second degree murder for killing his wife on Christmas in 2011 and then propping her body on the couch while the woman’s children opened Christmas presents. He had previously spent time in jail for beating his wife. William Wallace, 39, of Anaheim, was indicted […]
Weapon against Evil…
Democrats have declared war on morality, virtue, and civilization. This is an armed insurgency that should be put down with extreme prejudice. The Democrat Party, like its militant arms Antifa and BlackLivesMatter, should be declared a terrorist organizations.
For Reference Only
Countries that use the Metric System and try to convert their stuff to Standard measurements run into problems with the residual discrepancies in the conversion.
Now I have to check all my measuring tapes.
Source: For Reference Only
(H/T: Bayou Renaissance Man)
P.S. From the comments at Bayou Renaissance Man:
We talk and worry about all kinds of technological hijinks – but something as simple as mis-marking measuring tapes could cost another country millions in lost productivity. Partnering with competitors or enemies for ANYTHING is more than a questionable strategy. Lessons learned in the schoolyard still apply.