Today’s tear-jerker…

On Dec. 2, Haley and her husband Jb Parke welcomed their newborn son John Beeson Parke (Jb), three weeks early.

The Sunday before, her husband was admitted to the hospital with complications from cancer.

While the couple thought they had 6 months, they found out on Wednesday that it would just be a matter of days.

“With our second son’s due date 3 weeks away, my husband and I knew asking for an induction was the right thing to do. Without hesitation, the team of ICU doctors communicated with the head of high risk labor and delivery doctors. They offered me an induction as soon as I was ready,” Haley wrote.

The induction process began, but Jb’s condition was declining fast as of Thursday morning, so the medical team worked quickly to deliver the baby via a c-section.

“In a matter of literally one minute, I was in the OR, and in just a short 20 minutes later, our son was born. He was given to me for a quick kiss, and then a team of doctors and nurses ran him up 2 floors, and he was placed on his daddy’s chest,” she wrote.

Once the baby was placed on Jb’s chest, Haley wrote that her husband’s vitals instantly improved, and he was able to acknowledge their new precious son.

Jb’s last moments were spent with his newborn son and his wife in his hospital room.

Haley said Jb took his last breaths with their son on his chest and her hand in his.

The couple hadn’t picked out a name before their son’s arrival, but Haley wrote that she knew the right thing to do was honor her husband, and named him John Beeson Parke (Jb).

Source: Sometimes an article will bring a tear to your eye

The system doesn’t want you to have children

My biggest mistake was listening to ‘the system.’

Quite simply, the future belongs to those who show up. I am here because a very long line of people took the trouble to raise children, in spite of all of the hardships that they would have inevitably endured at the time. We are separated, if not divorced, from our ancestors. We are taught that those who came before us were bad and ignorant. We are taught that for a reason. The system wants us isolated. It wants us isolated from our past blood people and from our future blood people.

The absolute number one sign that you should have children is the clear fact that the system makes it so hard for us to have them. From abortion on demand, to contraception and allowed open fornication, to the dissolution of marriage, to the fueled and funded war between the sexes, to the family courts, and to open propaganda that white people are selfish if they breed, the system is doing everything in its power to ensure that we don’t have offspring.

Source: The system doesn’t want you to have children

Dear Western women: you are traitorous dimwits who must be spanked

Quite the rant. Read the whole thing to see how he got to this point:
But okay; ladies, if you’re serious, and I mean really serious about turning this ship around, here is what you have to do:
Shut the fuck up;
Give up the vote;
Retire from public life and devote yourselves to being good homemakers and raising your children;
Defer all matters of importance to your husbands as you willingly admit that your brains just aren’t big enough to cope with complex ideas;
Do your upmost to satisfy your husband and obey his commands;
Return to Christianity and renounce the evils of feminism that helped get us into this mess;
Oh, and shut the fuck up. That includes you, Danish journalist Iben Thranholm.
This is what is known as a good start.

Source: Dear Western women: you are traitorous dimwits who must be spanked

Never Marry a Feminist | Suzanne Venker

If you believe sex roles are a result a patriarchy designed to disempower women, rather than on what they’re actually based on—the biological differences between the sexes—your relationship is doomed. A successful marriage relationship demands a deep understanding of male and female nature.

A strong marriage is in fact predicated on sexual inequality, or on how much couples let their differences shine.

Just say ‘no’ to feminists. They are a waste of time.


Source: Never Marry a Feminist | Suzanne Venker

The Elusive American Husband | Suzanne Venker

Every week I hear from breadwinning wives and mothers who are exhausted, stressed out and resentful about having to earn an income while at the same time be a mother. I also hear from strong, successful single women who for the life of them can’t find a husband.

It would appear we changed the rules, and the new rules don’t work.

Source: The Elusive American Husband | Suzanne Venker

Near Death, Seeing Dead People May Be Neither Rare Nor Eerie

“I said ‘Dad, what are you laughing at?’ He said, ‘Oh, we’re all together.’ “

The bewildered Roncevich and her mother wondered who and what he was seeing. He was even giggling.

“He said, ‘Everybody’s together and we’re all just having a wonderful time. We’re having so much fun’ … and those were the last words he spoke,” she recounted last week between her visits to patients of UPMC Family Hospice and Palliative Care. “I said to my mom, ‘What more could we ask for than that?’ Wherever he was going, he was in a good place and happy.”

Source: Near Death, Seeing Dead People May Be Neither Rare Nor Eerie

5 Things Women Do That Secretly Annoy Men – Brass Pills

4) We’re expected to talk way too much.

There’s this stereotype that says women love to talk and men don’t. There’s probably a little truth to that, but the real problem men have in that area comes from the topics women typically want to talk about. As a general rule, most men aren’t very interested in talking about their feelings. Also, who was wearing what? Where they went to lunch? Who said what to whom? Not only are men not interested in discussing these things, they’re afraid if they do, it might prompt the woman to spend 15 minutes telling him the minute details of her day which is only slightly less painful than being punched in the face.

Also, because many women tend to over-analyze, they assign all sorts of deep meaning to trivial gestures and then demand explanations. Sometimes a rose is just a rose and five minutes of silence is just a man thinking about what he has to do at work tomorrow. You want to get a man to talk? It’s not hard. Ask him to explain what’s going on in a UFC fight or what his favorite sexual fantasy is and you’ll have trouble getting him to shut up.

Source: 5 Things Women Do That Secretly Annoy Men – Brass Pills

I left my husband because he couldn’t sexually satisfy me

“Over time, I became incredibly resentful. Try as he might to convince me that it wasn’t me, I took every rejection as a blow to my womanhood. I’d go out for drinks with my girlfriends who would whine about how much their partners pestered them for sex. It seemed like they just had to roll over in bed for their men to be up for it and here I was, night after night, lying there in tears and praying that he’d touch me.”

In my case I was praying that she would touch me. Sigh… Yep, we divorced after almost three decades.

Source: I left my husband because he couldn’t sexually satisfy me