Horowitz: While Americans are locked up without judicial review, courts grant new rights to criminal aliens!

Let’s review the outcomes from the COVID-19 crisis:

  • Most sweeping restrictions, surveillance, and confinement of Americans indefinitely without due process in the history of America? Check!
  • Endless welfare, debt, and spending? Check!
  • Mass release of criminals? Check!
  • More foreign workers as a time of record unemployment? Check!
  • More rights for illegal aliens to come and remain here? Check!

Why is it that every policy outcome from this crisis is a long-standing liberal priority, even when the several outcomes contradict the rationale underlying some of the others?

Source: Horowitz: While Americans are locked up without judicial review, courts grant new rights to criminal aliens!

A transnational elite racing its way to a revolution – Bookworm Room

If you’re wondering why all these disparate anecdotes belong in a single post, here’s my answer: They remind us that America’s ruling elite has no concern about ordinary Americans. Hillary was speaking for an entire governing class when she said people who won’t hop on the Leftist train are a “basket of deplorables. *** They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic – Islamophobic – you name it.”

We’re racist because we want to be color-blind, rather than engaging in endless victim wars and because we believe that a nation without borders is no nation at all. We’re sexist because we believe that women and men are different. We’re homophobic because we’re troubled by the pressure LGBTQ activists are placing on American institutions. We xenophobic because Hillary and her followers are proud of knowing a big word with Greek roots. We’re Islamophobic because we’ve noticed that 10% of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims actively want to kill or enslave us and are supported by a much larger number than 10% — including, perhaps, the House’s own Ilhan Omar.

I’m preparing by stocking up on precious metals like lead, copper, and brass.

Source: A transnational elite racing its way to a revolution – Bookworm Room

How the Left is Banning Conservatives From the Internet – Frontpagemag

The detached terms that the new censorship is hiding behind, like ‘fighting disinformation’, are Orwellian euphemisms. Speech isn’t a bodiless abstraction. Disinformation implies an objective source of information. Nobody fights disinformation, they silence some people and empower others. They create authorities over speech and use that authority to perpetuate their own power structures.

Source: How the Left is Banning Conservatives From the Internet – Frontpagemag

Um, No

“It’s debatable whether even the most stringent gun-control measures would prevent mass shootings, and it’s doubtful that those measures would survive the Roberts Court’s scrutiny. But time and time again, these proposals reveal a troubling window into the mindset of the gun-rights activists who oppose them. That, in turn, only makes the case for enacting such measures much stronger. If the main reason you need an AR-15 is to murder civil servants and elected officials, you shouldn’t have it in the first place.”

Well no, that’s not quite accurate.  We don’t want to own AR-15s “to murder civil servants and elected officials”, we need them to hold off government agents when they arrive at our door to disarm us — in clear violation of the Constitution (which, lest we forget, said gummint agents swore to uphold as part of their office-taking oath).

And by “hold off” I don’t necessarily mean “kill them” (it’s not murder  if they attack you first, BTW, no matter what un-Constitutional law they hide behind);  “holding off” also means making them a little more fearful of the consequences of their actions, and a little more reluctant to be statist bullies

Source: Um, No

Heading for civil war

Codevilla notes that prominent Democrats like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton have led millions of their followers “to think and act as if conservatives were simply a lower level of humanity, and should have their faces rubbed in their own inferiority.”

It’s not surprising that many ordinary followers have concluded that harassing conservatives in restaurants, airports, and public functions is not just permissible but praiseworthy, and if thousands of persons who exercise power over cities, towns, and schools have not concluded that facilitating such harassment and harm is their duty.

Stock up on guns, ammo, food, water…

Source: Heading for civil war

Self-Loathing As Medicine

White identity, well, that’s the worst and that’s why these lectures against identity politics never happen in front of non-whites. David French does not spend his days going to colleges demanding they junk their black studies departments. The boys at various Koch Brothers rackets are not going to the grievance studies departments, holding seminars on the dangers of identity politics. Instead, rants against identity politics are only aimed at white audiences, because white identity is what they fear.

Hmmm. Interesting take on the subject. The way identity politics is played means they should fear white identity. They are creating it!

Source: Self-Loathing As Medicine

The left’s descent into the abyss of odium

We are in fact a divided nation, the mature and immature, the civil and uncivil, the decent and the indecent.  We are divided between those who love this country and those who hate it.  Our leftists are Marxist globalists who want to see America destroyed or at least transformed from the inside, as Khrushchev predicted fifty years ago that it would be.  The Marxists have won in academe.  They have won over the Democratic Party completely.  Pelosi, Schumer, et al. are on board with flooding the U.S. with illiterate migrants, numbers of them criminals, to satisfy their anti-American ideology.  They and their agenda should be shunned by all Americans with a modicum of common sense.

This has held up well!

Source: The left’s descent into the abyss of odium

What a new U.S. civil war might look like

On the left side of the spectrum, nearly three-quarters of the Solid Liberals (who account for half of the Democratic Party’s most politically engaged supporters and sympathizers) believe that “hard work and determination are no guarantee of success for most people,” compared with just 22 percent of Pew’s less educated, less affluent Opportunity Democrats.

Educated. They keep using that word. I don’t think it means what they think it means.

Source: What a new U.S. civil war might look like