Why a Classical Education is Needed Now More Than Ever

The primary reason for my suggestion of a classical education to be reintroduced today, however, is that many of the cultural problems facing the United States (and other Western nations) is a lack of understanding of the West. Ignorance of Western ideas and history has caused the West to turn against itself, to hate its “history”, to slander its greatest figures, to disregard its laws, to undo its social and economic progress, and to dynamite its very foundations.

Souce: Why a Classical Education is Needed Now More Than Ever

Russian State Duma passes law banning LGBT ‘propaganda’ among all ages

The new legislation bans “propaganda of non-traditional relationships,” “propaganda of pedophilia,” and information about LGBT people and gender transitioning among people of any age through the media, the Internet, advertising, literature, and films, according to TASS.

Excellent. This type of law should be passed here at home.

Source: Russian State Duma passes law banning LGBT propaganda among all ages

The Reality War


The ancient War between reality and fantasy continues…

As James Lindsay points out, science is “by definition anti-Gnostic,” because – if practiced as intended – it seeks to describe nature as it is through empirical reason. That is, science observes evidence in the physical world, and only then bases its theoretical conclusions – its Knowledge – on those observations of reality. After which we can then use it to achieve some relative progress by “better according our lives with reality as it is and thus doing better in reality.”

In contrast, Lindsay identifies “the general madness of the world at the present” as resulting from the “parasitic bugbear” of Gnosticism, and specifically what he categorizes as “Scientific Gnosticism.” What makes Scientific Gnosticism different from science is that it inverts the above process: it puts the conclusions of Theory (its Gnosis) ahead of empirical observation of the world.…

…And if the world does not accord with Theory, then the world is wrong, and it “must seek to call truths things which are not.”

Source: The Reality War


USDA Now Asking People to Register Their Vegetable Gardens for National Database

Do you garden? Why do you garden?

Do you garden for fresh produce at home? Maybe even to can some surplus for later home use?

Or do you garden to foster a

“more diverse and resilient local food system to empower communities to address issues like nutrition access and climate change.”

If the latter, the government wants YOU to register your garden.

What could possibly go wrong?

Like registering your guns, registering your garden is just telling the Democrats who has food to confiscate. Remember:

As the world teeters on the verge of nuclear war and economic collapse, remember that in times of war and economic downturns, food is more valuable than gold.

(Remember to thank your Democrat neighbors for this state of affairs.)

So go on, register your garden.

At least you’ll get a cool sign for your front yard.

Source: USDA Now Asking People to Register Their Vegetable Gardens for National Database