On ‘Education’

I’ve been saying for years that a college “education” today is nothing more than job training. This guy basically says the same thing in 1987:

“Those of us who can look back to the humble stations of our parents or grandparents, who never saw the inside of an institution of higher learning, can have cause for self-congratulation. But—inevitably but—the impression that our general populace is better educated depends on an ambiguity in the meaning of the word education, or a fudging of the distinction between liberal and technical education. A highly trained computer specialist need not have had any more learning about morals, politics or religion than the most ignorant of persons. All to the contrary, his narrow education, with the prejudices and the pride accompanying it, and its literature which comes to be and passes away in a day and uncritically accepts the premises of current wisdom, can cut him off from the liberal learning that simpler folk used to absorb from a variety of traditional sources. It is not evident to me that someone whose regular reading consists of Time, Playboy, and Scientific American has any profounder wisdom about the world than the rural schoolboy of yore with his McGuffey’s reader.”

— Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind

Woman accused of using sex toy and masturbating in public


Traditionally, those with a ‘penis’ were called ‘men.’ I still follow that tradition. The news? Not so much…
Teesside woman accused of exposing penis, using sex toy and masturbating in public
This is why I have nothing but contempt for the ‘news’ and ‘journalists.’

Source: Woman accused of using sex toy and masturbating in public

Rep. Murphy: FDA Adviser’s Remark on COVID-19 Jab for Kids ‘The Most Dangerous Statement I’ve Ever Heard in Medicine’

The advisory panel voted this week about advising the FDA to authorize Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11-years-old. “We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it,” Rubin said before the vote. “That’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines, like the rotavirus vaccine.”

Democrats are evil. They want you AND your children dead.

Source: Rep. Murphy: FDA Adviser’s Remark on COVID-19 Jab for Kids ‘The Most Dangerous Statement I’ve Ever Heard in Medicine’

Everything Is Broken

“Out of every hundred new ideas ninety-nine or more will probably be inferior to the traditional responses which they propose to replace. No one man, however brilliant or well-informed, can come in one lifetime to such fullness of understanding as to safely judge and dismiss the customs or institutions of his society, for those are the wisdom of generations after centuries of experiment in the laboratory of history.” — Will Durant

“In the fullness of time, after the West is a ruin of its own making, this age will be remembered as a gross and sustained violation of that sentiment. If over the last thirty years the people in charge had done nothing but entertain themselves with their toys, none of this would be happening. Instead, they kept trying to prove nature wrong and overturn the wisdom of ages. Reality does not take kindly to this amount of abuse, so there will be consequences.” — The Zman

Source: Everything Is Broken

‘Containergeddon’: California Emissions Law Caused the Supply Chain Crisis

California passed an emissions law that required trucks to meet standards that the majority of trucks in America can’t meet. Basically, about half the truckers in America are banned from operating in California.…

The Constitution clearly allots to the federal government the authority to regulate interstate commerce, but California’s law — one Democrat-controlled state’s “Green New Deal” — is clearly having a disastrous impact on this commerce. Donald Trump would have put a stop to this, but Biden got 64% of the vote in California, and Biden would very much like to impose those job-killing policies on the whole country.

Applying this emissions law to existing trucks makes it an ex post facto law and therefore unconstitutional.

This is also a violation of Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution:

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

Therefore a vehicle licensed in one state is licensed in all states.

The Constitution is not rocket science. It was written for the people to understand. The only reason to rely on ‘Constitutional’ lawyers, scholars, or ‘experts’ is when you are trying to obfuscate and get around the plain text of the Constitution.

I’m so tired of ‘experts’ in this or that.

Source: ‘Containergeddon’: California Emissions Law Caused the Supply Chain Crisis

Progressives Against Progress

Experts and supermen. Experts are people I hire for their specialized knowledge… like (in order of importance) a plumber, electrician, dentist, or doctor. They don’t tell me how to run my life… and shouldn’t tell us how to run our country.
And supermen don’t exist.
In 1972, Sir John Maddox, editor of the British journal Nature, noted that though it had once been usual to see maniacs wearing sandwich boards that proclaimed the imminent end of the Earth, they had been replaced by a growing number of frenzied activists and politicized scientists making precisely the same claim. In the years since then, liberalism has seen recurring waves of such end-of-days hysteria. These waves have shared not only a common pattern but often the same cast of characters. Strangely, the promised despoliations are most likely to be presented as imminent when Republicans are in the White House. In each case, liberals have argued that the threat of catastrophe can be averted only through drastic actions in which the ordinary political mechanisms of democracy are suspended and power is turned over to a body of experts and supermen.

Source: Progressives Against Progress

MBD’s Trump Problem, and Mine

I dislike videos. Especially videos posted as “news”.

I know that’s not the point of the article but this passage stood out to me as the best description of the problem with video news.

Watching TV is no substitute for reading, because TV can never convey ideas faster than human speech (i.e., about 150 words per minute), whereas a collegiate-level reader can absorb the written word much faster. This blog post is about 1,600 words. It would take 10-12 minutes to read it aloud, but you’ll probably reach the end much quicker. Also, the written word has a permanence that the spoken word does not. To absorb complex ideas, and to commit them to memory, the written word is superior.

Agreed. Give me a written article or column.

Source: MBD’s Trump Problem, and Mine

The COVID vaccination program is the largest medical experiment in human history


Facebook slaps this blatant lie on every post about the Wuhan flu “vaccines.” This makes Facebook accessory to the largest potential genocide in human history. Note they never list those ‘tests’. And why “monitor closely” if it passed those ‘tests’ and is safe?

• It was known by the FDA and others that no previous coronavirus vaccines ever passed animal trials. The test animals got seriously ill or died. These experimental vaccines were shown to make worse the symptoms of the disease they were supposed to suppress. (“The delta variant is the vaccine-injured.”)
• Initially, Pfizer was running a 44,000 person clinical trial to see if its COVID-19 vaccine had adverse long-term effects. Against the strong recommendation of the FDA and in midstream of the test, Pfizer offered its vaccine to members of the placebo control group. Many took it, negating the validity of trial. This means Pfizer didn’t complete any long-term testing to establish the safety of its vaccine.
• Rest easy. These novel messenger-RNA vaccines are now being thoroughly tested …. tested on all those have been vaccinated. Those people, whether they know it or not and whether the like it or not, are part of the largest medical experiment in human history. This is where all the adverse events, if any, will surface and presumably be addressed. That those vaccinated were never fully told of the risks involved, however, means they could not have given their informed consent to being injected.

Source: The COVID vaccination program is the largest medical experiment in human history

The Great Reset of Beef Consumption

They’re coming for our food. Lying, as usual, and worse—promoting serious eating disorders like veganism. All on the false premise that meat is inefficient and therefore bad for the environment.

“Another big lie is that beef production causes substantial waste of crops that could be consumed by humans. But it’s not as if beef cattle are mostly fed grain that humans may consume. In fact, 84% of livestock feed is inedible to humans — corn husk, oat straw, almond hulls, soybean skins, and other agricultural waste. In a sense, livestock convert what we cannot eat into what we can — namely, dairy products and beef, both sources of high-quality protein.”

Source: The Great Reset of Beef Consumption