The COVID-19 lies are falling apart before our eyes

Today’s “must-read” article:

(Note: the video of this virtual meeting is (as I write this) still available at the FDA’s YouTube channel. You can find it here:

(Time stamps in the quotes below are for this video. I expect this will be pulled from YouTube at any moment.)
“This was an FDA livestream of an open virtual meeting their own officials and medical professionals, along with multiple other outside parties, from yesterday. This is a US Government-sponsored meeting:
“Herd immunity using the vaccine is impossible.” 4:15:00ff
“The vaccine caused 71x more heart attacks in the vaccinated than any other vaccine.” 4:20:00ff
“…vaccines, boosters, and mandates are all nonsensical.” 4:21:00
“We killed two people to save one life.” 4:21:30
“[The number of deaths per million doses administered – 411:1M] translates into about 150,000 people have died (from receiving the vaccine in just the U.S.).” 4:21:50ff
“The real numbers confirm that we kill more than we save.” 4:22:00ff
“In the most optimistic study (for 90-year-olds) it means 50% of the vaccinated died, and 0% of the unvaccinated died.” 4:22:20″
“Let’s repeat Aesop’s emphasis. That was an official US government meeting, of an official US government agency, considering official US government statistics about the effectiveness (or otherwise) of COVID-19 vaccines. Their conclusions were – to put it mildly – catastrophic.”

Vincent Price’s Supper Casserole, from 1977!

Back in 1977, Vincent Price shared this wonderfully weird recipe on behalf of Creamettes Macaroni. Price never shied away from paid endorsements, but since he was a noted gourmand with his own cookbooks, this one wasn’t exactly out of left field.
Vincent’s Supper Casserole
• 7-oz package Creamettes macaroni
• 12-oz can luncheon meat (Spam)
• ¼ cup butter
• ¼ cup flour
• ½ tsp salt
• ½ tsp dry mustard
• 2 cups milk
• ½ pound sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded
• Parsley or green pepper

Prepare Creamettes macaroni according to package directions. Slice and cut luncheon meat into squares, reserving a few slices. Arrange macaroni and squares in 2-quart casserole; pour on cheese sauce. (For sauce: melt butter, blend in flour, salt, dry mustard; stir in milk; cook over medium heat, stirring until thick; add cheese, shredded; stir.) Top with slices of luncheon meat. Add parsley or green pepper for color. Bake in 350º oven 20 to 25 min. Microwave: “Cook” cycle, uncovered for 8 min.

Shown above is the finished product. Guys, no matter what you think about those photos, Vincent Price’s Supper Casserole is UNBELIEVABLY good. It shocked the hell out of me. It’s basically jacked-up mac-and-cheese, mixed with Spam and then covered with more Spam. It tasted like yesteryear and I couldn’t stop eating it.
I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised by its deliciousness, as it was, after all, a pile of pasta, meat, more meat, butter and cheese. I have no idea how Vincent stayed so trim.

Source: Vincent Price’s Supper Casserole, from 1977!

Kristi Noem Is[n’t] Right About Employer Vaccine Mandates

“When leaders overstep their authority, that is how we break this country, and if government starts acting unconstitutionally, even if it’s doing something that we like, that’s a dangerous path to walk down,” she said. “It is not conservative to grow government and to tell businesses what to do and how to treat their employees.” — Kristi Noem

She’s wrong, of course.

Government’s job is to protect the rights of citizens. Businesses that transgress citizens’ rights need to be reigned in. That’s where she’s wrong.

Businesses are private entities. Citizens are private entities. Since when does one private entity have the right to mandate another private entity do something in violation of their rights?

Being an employee does not mean you are owned by the business. You are NOT ‘their’ employee. That would make you a de facto slave. I was under the impression that we had outlawed slavery in this country.

In fact, it is the other way around. Citizens are real. Business as a ‘private entity’ is a legal fiction. They don’t really exist. A ‘business entity’ is a just collection of other private citizens who, again, have no right to mandate another private citizen do anything in violation of their rights as citizens.

Reason Magazine taking her side shows (as if it needed showing again) why ‘libertarianism’ is a false road to travel. Slavery is okay with them as long as it is done by private business. There’s no concern about individual rights, or community traditions, or religious beliefs.

Source: Kristi Noem Is Right About Employer Vaccine Mandates

[TRANSLATED] “Dégénération” – Quebecois Traditionalist Song

Thought this was a powerful mental image…
[TRANSLATED] “Dégénération” – Quebecois Traditionalist Song
Your great-great-grandmother she had 14 children
Your great-grandmother had just about as many;
And then your grandmother, she had 3, it was enough;
and your mother didn’t want any, you were an accident.
And then you, my little girl, you change partners all the time,
When you do stupid things, you save yourself with an abortion,
But there are mornings you wake up in tears, when you dream at night
Of a big table surrounded by children.

U2 – With Or Without You – Luca Stricagnoli – Fingerstyle Guitar

“With Or Without You” by U2, arranged and performed by Luca on his Reversed Triple Neck Guitar built by Davide Serracini. The third neck, reversed, has an e-bow attached to it that keeps the central string vibrating, producing a constant high pitched sound that imitates the iconic original version of the song. The wooden percussive device on the guitar is called Multi Clap.

Impressive talent.

Report: Professor Tells White Student if He’s Breathing, He ‘May Have Oppressed Somebody’ Today

The teacher then asked Brian if he’d oppressed anybody that day.

The kid said No.

Sam posed a potent Gotcha:

“You’re breathing. Have you left your house today?”


Academia for the win:

If that’s all it takes… if it’s that easy to oppress you… you deserve it!

Source: Report: Professor Tells White Student if He’s Breathing, He ‘May Have Oppressed Somebody’ Today