How (and Why) Does Sex Happen? – The Patriarch Tree – Medium

However, there are crazy people who insist on pretending that male-female differences aren’t real. We call these crazy people “feminists.

”Until the 1970s, crazy people were locked up in lunatic asylums, but then progressives came up with a “reform” program, and all the crazy people were sent to universities and became Women’s Studies professors. So now we have a generation of young people who have been taught that “gender” (i.e., the difference between men and women) is “socially constructed.”

Source: How (and Why) Does Sex Happen? – The Patriarch Tree – Medium

Dayenu, President Trump! For each thing you’ve done, it would have been enough

As it happens, I also agreed when Adams wrote yesterday that there was a possibility that the chemical attack was a rebel chemical strike on its own side for propaganda value. Nothing that comes out of that region can be considered true in the first instance, or even the second, third or fourth. Moreover, the actors in the Syrian civil war are all equally bad people, with neither side having compunction about attacking its own innocent civilians in order to score propaganda points. Regardless of the truth on the ground, though, Trump sent an important message.

If I’m not mistaken, both sides are Muslims. The Koran gives them permission to lie. The Truth is not in them.

Source: Dayenu, President Trump! For each thing you’ve done, it would have been enough

Animal’s Hump Day News | Animal Magnetism

Pugh obviously had what we used to refer to as a sudden rush of brains to the head. (I may be being a little too generous.) I’m pretty damn sure Mayor Pugh was considering the sudden increase in cost of the city’s union-scale employees; union contracts are frequently tied to a percentage over the prevailing minimum wage.

Source: Animal’s Hump Day News | Animal Magnetism

Constitutional Originalism or the “living Constitution”: Gorsuch’s nomination and a tale of two law profs

Obamacare has shown us that our Constitution creates a government so strong and intrusive that it can fine every American for failing to purchase East India tea that comes with a British tax on it.

Source: Constitutional Originalism or the “living Constitution”: Gorsuch’s nomination and a tale of two law profs

Bookworm Beat 3/30/17 — tight-knit communities, nuclear families, and individual worth

I learned that, before government welfare, America was not a cold, cruel place in which widows and orphans routinely died. Instead, America had a vast network of fraternal organizations that functioned as welfare organizations. As with the Mormon wards, these “welfare” agencies worked extremely well because they took place at the community level.

I would add that ‘providing’ welfare is NOT a Constitutional function of the Federal government. This includes things like so-called Social Security, which is nothing more than a welfare scam.

Source: Bookworm Beat 3/30/17 — tight-knit communities, nuclear families, and individual worth