The Audacious Epigone: Average IQ of college graduates by decade of graduation

To say we’re well into the territory of diminishing returns is to understate the problem–we’re past the point of negative returns. Most Americans in college today are not benefiting from being there. They’re foregoing work to accrue debt for degrees that, if they increase earning power at all, do so only marginally and they’re picking up an unhelpful sense of entitlement in the process.

You don’t hear SJWs demanding ‘free’ trade school educations. They don’t want to work for a living. Frankly, SJWs are too dumb for either.

Source: The Audacious Epigone: Average IQ of college graduates by decade of graduation

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Right-wing, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, Heterosexual. How else can I offend you today?