HUNGARIAN FOREIGN MINISTER shocks CNN journalist by saying “We reject multiculturalism”

She then argued that the Hungarian government is wrong, and that Hungary has no “immigration problem”. She pointed out that of Hungary’s 10 million inhabitants there are less than 4,000 refugees, that the country has no major crime and that no terrorist attacks have occurred.
Oddly, she fails to understand that the reason for the low level of crime and absence of terrorism is the direct the result of NO MUSLIM IMMIGRATION.

Amen. These are not ‘refugees’. These are hostile invaders. They need to be met with force.

Source: HUNGARIAN FOREIGN MINISTER shocks CNN journalist by saying “We reject multiculturalism”

A Short History of American Medical Insurance – Imprimis

The second dislocation was that hospital insurance did not provide indemnity coverage, which is when the insurance company pays for a loss and the customer decides how best to deal with it. Rather than indemnification, the insurance company provided service benefits. In other words, it paid the bill for services covered by the policy, whatever the bill was. As a result, there was little incentive for the consumer of medical services to shop around. With someone else paying, patients quickly became relatively indifferent to the cost of medical care.

Source: A Short History of American Medical Insurance – Imprimis

Doofus Of The Day #1,027

Who would be dumb enough to think of a design like this?  I can tell you right now that almost every cop of my acquaintance (and I’ve worked with a lot of them) would be ready for trouble as soon as he saw it.  He might not draw his gun at first, but if he saw you pull that out of your pocket with no visible reason to do so – before he noticed the cellphone attached to it – he might not wait to ask you politely what you were doing.  Action beats reaction, and he’s not going to wait until someone aims what looks just like a gun at him.

Source: Bayou Renaissance Man

The Practice of Ritual Defamation

An important rule in ritual defamation is to avoid engaging in any kind of debate over the truthfulness or reasonableness of what has been expressed, only condemn it. To debate opens the issue up for examination and discussion of its merits, and to consider the evidence that may support it, which is just what the ritual defamer is trying to avoid. The primary goal of a ritual defamation is censorship and repression.

This is the third item out of eight in the list.

Source: The Practice of Ritual Defamation

Mob Rule Comes to America

Thus, it is not enough to denounce the thugs.  George Soros, the billionaire funding the assaults and attacks, must be brought to justice for not only inciting violence, not to mention investigated for sedition, a crime we need to begin to take seriously.  He and his minions are obstructing the agenda we voted on and one we won.  It is imperative that Republicans in office begin to use the term “sedition” in public.

Those who plot the overthrow of the United States as a constitutional republic for a one-world order, as Soros has openly advocated, can no longer be ignored.  He and his marching minions must be prosecuted for funding a war waged against our republic, and let it be a warning that we will no longer sit idly by as we watch our country destroyed from within.

The entire leadership of the Democrat Party is also guilty of sedition.

Source: Mob Rule Comes to America

Our Progressive Future: Folsom Street Fair – Moonbattery

San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair shows us what the future will look like if liberals keep winning the Culture War.

For poet Maryann Leilani Wood, 42, “the playground,” a fenced-off area for women as well as transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, was invaluable. Everyone was welcome in the zone except cis-men, or those who were assigned the male gender at birth and still identify that way.

Inclusion is very important to moonbats, but there is no need to go overboard and be inclusive even toward men who admit they are men.

Source: Our Progressive Future: Folsom Street Fair – Moonbattery

ChiComs and Facebook Are Secretly Scoring People – The Rush Limbaugh Show

RUSH: I have two stories that I want to share with you, backed up one after the other. Ready? First story headline: “China Assigns Every Citizen a ‘Social Credit Score’ to Identify Who Is and Who Is Not Trustworthy.” The ChiComs are “rolling out a high-tech plan to give all of its 1.4 billion citizens a personal score, based on how they behave. But there are consequences if a score gets too low, and for some that’s cause for concern, CBS2’s Ben Tracy reported Tuesday.”…

Next story. Headline: “Facebook Employs Trust Ratings for Users But Will Not Tell You Your Score — The social network is predicting your trustworthiness in a bid to fight fake news. Users receive a score on a scale from zero to one that determines if they have a good or bad reputation… Your Facebook usage is being monitored, and may be converted in a trustworthiness score. The rating system was revealed in a report by the Washington Post … which says it’s in place to ‘help identify malicious actors.’…

When you hear this, is anybody alarmed at the similarities in policy, behavior, attitude, all of it, between the ChiCom government and Facebook?

Source: ChiComs and Facebook Are Secretly Scoring People – The Rush Limbaugh Show

Tolerance: Not really a thing in Islam

I strongly disagree with letting Muslims believe what they want to believe when they hold that I, as a non-Muslim, have no right to live.  Or if I am to live, I must live a subservient life to that of Muslims.  Wherever they are in power in the world, Muslims do everything they can to make non-believers’ lives dreadful and deadly.

I don’t tolerate the belief and practices of Islam, in the same vein as I reject fascism and all other exclusionary oppressive systems of belief.

As they say, tolerating evil is not tolerance.  It is a crime.

Source: Tolerance: Not really a thing in Islam