This fraud won?

“We cannot serve two masters. Joe Biden is not the legal President of the country. This statement means that the electoral college has supported treason by certifying the 2020 fraudulent election. One President is loved by the people. The other president cannot come out in public and face the people. Why do you think the traitors are hiding behind armed troops in the Capital?”

Source: The Consent of the People

Waiting For The Intolerable Acts – Bookworm Room

Lastly, a word on two incidents relating to the breach of the Capitol building.  One is the death of Officer Brian D. Sicknick, something the left is using to demonize the people who breached the Capitol.  Allegedly, the officer died because of injuries sustained during the “insurrection.”  Fine, tell us what the injuries were and why he died from them.  Every news story on this incident is less than forthcoming.  And while I have great sympathy for the fallen officer and his family, I likewise get the sense that the public is being manipulated about this incident.  My suspicion is that he died of a heart attack.

The second incident involves the murder of Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed woman and fourteen year Air Force veteran who was executed by someone inside the Capitol Building.  Since when are we using live ammunition to quell riots in this nation?  We should be demanding to know who fired this shot and what are all the surrounding circumstances.  This woman should not be forgotten.  Indeed, she should be made a martyr on par with Crispus Attucks.

Source: Waiting For The Intolerable Acts – Bookworm Room

Yesterday, the first shots were fired in the Third Battle of Fort Sumter

What happened Wednesday will be used by the people taking power to justify stripping you of the rights you were born with as an American: Your right to speak without being censored, your right to assemble, to not be spied upon, to make a living, and to defend your family. — Tucker Carlsonh

Yesterday Capitol Hill police murdered an unarmed peaceful protester engaging in her Constitutional right to protest. They stood down all summer while Antifa and BLM terrorist groups rampaged through cities across America. These weren’t the first shots though. The first shots were when Democrat James Hodgkinson fired on a group of Republican congresscritters at a charity baseball game seriously wounding Republican Steve Scalise. in 2017.

  • Yesterday we saw the so-called “Uniparty” – the professional politicians of both major parties who work together to ensure that the country is run according to their whims (or, rather, the whims of those who control them) – in action.  Every politician, Republican or Democrat, who voted to confirm Joe Biden as our next President was deliberately denying – and defying – an overwhelming mountain of evidence that the Democratic Party stole the election from President Trump.  Every one of them is complicit in electoral fraud.  Every one of them must be held accountable for that.

The Republic is dead. Time for some real ‘resistance.’

Source: Yesterday, the first shots were fired in the Third Battle of Fort Sumter

Cost of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report

In the debate over coronavirus policy, there has been far too little focus on the costs of lockdowns. It’s very common for the proponents of these interventions to write articles and large studies without even mentioning the downsides.

Here is a brief look at the cost of stringencies in the United States, and around the world, including stay-at-home orders, closings of business and schools, restrictions on gatherings, shutting of arts and sports, restrictions on medical services, and interventions in the freedom of movement.

All of this is good news to the Communist Democrat Party.

Source: Cost of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report

The election has been stolen

Whether we will even have an opposition Republican Party come 2024 is highly questionable. The nation is now going down the same road traveled by Venezuela, by Russia, by California, and many local urban American cities. Once these corrupt Democrats manage to game the system to their liking, they never let go.

6. Finally, that peaceful and trustworthy elections are likely no longer possible in America means Americans no longer have any peaceful options should the ruling powers do things that the public doesn’t like. Eventually, the response will be violence, and bloodshed, and brutality.

I am not calling for it. I am simply predicting that it will happen, all because the Democrats refused to accept the legality of the 2016 election and then used any means to steal the 2020 elections, and the Republicans stood by and let them do it.

7. And just remember, power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Democrats are gaining that absolute power. They’re coming for you next.

Stock up on food, water, medicines and invest in precious metals like lead, copper, and brass.

Source: The Election Has Been Stolen

Kenosha Riots Turn Deadly

For the third consecutive night, Democratic voters ran wild in Kenosha, Wisconsin, engaging in vandalism, arson and assault. Two people were shot to death and a third seriously wounded in the mayhem, organized by #BlackLivesMatter as part of the Joe Biden presidential campaign.

This is the Democratic Party platform. This is Joe Biden’s agenda: Defund the police, destroy private property, turn loose violent mobs of criminal anarchists and racial gangs to terrorize citizens — it’s a live demonstration of the “progressive” ideology in action, and if you want this destructive chaos as the future of America, vote for Joe Biden.

The National Guard needs to be called out. This is insurrection. #BlackLivesMatter should be hunted down with extreme prejudice.

Also, the Democrat Party should be outlawed as a foreign terrorist organization. They are formenting sedition and rebellion and the hostile invasion of the United States of America.

Source: Kenosha Riots Turn Deadly

BREAKING: Antifa terrorists to be bused to Sparta, Illinois with orders to burn farm houses and kill livestock in rural “white” areas

Today Natural News has learned that Antifa operatives are organizing a plan to bus large numbers of Antifa terrorists to the vicinity of Sparta, Illinois, where they will be directed to target rural white Americans by burning farm houses and killing livestock. The purpose of the attack, according to sources, is so that Antifa can send a message to white America that “not even rural whites are safe” from the reach of Antifa, and that if their radical left-wing demands are not yet, all of America will burn (not just the cities).

Read the whole thing.

Source: BREAKING: Antifa terrorists to be bused to Sparta, Illinois with orders to burn farm houses and kill livestock in rural “white” areas

Are We Witnessing a Targeted Hit Against Trump Voters? – American Greatness

Family-owned shops and workshops, the backbone of America, are closed. Fast-food franchises remain open—drive-through windows are operating at full tilt—but independently owned restaurants are shuttered or trying to survive at diminished capacity doing takeout only.

Conveniently, if not coincidentally, small-business owners make up an important segment of Trump’s base.…

Source: Are We Witnessing a Targeted Hit Against Trump Voters? – American Greatness

Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence

Dark Ages can last for centuries, after sinking civilizations in a vicious, downward vortex. “When the music’s over, turn out the lights,” to quote Jim Morrison of The Doors. Sometimes the lights stay out for a long time. Sometimes civilization itself is lost. Millions of EBT cards flashing zeroes might be the signal event of a terrible transformation.

Source: Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence

Horowitz: While Americans are locked up without judicial review, courts grant new rights to criminal aliens!

Let’s review the outcomes from the COVID-19 crisis:

  • Most sweeping restrictions, surveillance, and confinement of Americans indefinitely without due process in the history of America? Check!
  • Endless welfare, debt, and spending? Check!
  • Mass release of criminals? Check!
  • More foreign workers as a time of record unemployment? Check!
  • More rights for illegal aliens to come and remain here? Check!

Why is it that every policy outcome from this crisis is a long-standing liberal priority, even when the several outcomes contradict the rationale underlying some of the others?

Source: Horowitz: While Americans are locked up without judicial review, courts grant new rights to criminal aliens!