Articles: Why the Establishment Can’t Grasp the Nature of Islam

A comprehensive German study of 45,000 immigrant youths, reported in 2010, found that while increasing religiosity among the Christian youths made them less violent, increasing religiosity among the Muslim youths actually made them more violent. Not more violent “if they join Islamic State” — but more violent, period.

Source: Articles: Why the Establishment Can’t Grasp the Nature of Islam

Articles: Psychodynamics of Obama’s and Hillary’s ‘White Guilt Forever’ Conversation

While still in Europe, the president said, “I’d like both sides to listen to each other.”  For Obama, there are two sides to murdering policemen if they are guilty of being white.

A pathetic president and party.

Source: Articles: Psychodynamics of Obama’s and Hillary’s ‘White Guilt Forever’ Conversation


Articles: The Teeth in Newt’s Call to Test and Deport Sharia Muslims

Last week, in the wake of the Nice truck attack that killed 84 innocents and injured scores of others, former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich called for testing Muslims for Sharia-compliance. Those who are compliant should be deported, stated Gingrich.

This. Is. A. Great. Idea. Make it so!

Source: Articles: The Teeth in Newt’s Call to Test and Deport Sharia Muslims