Reverend Amy Butler Outliberals Her NYC Church

Amy Butler managed to get fired for degeneracy and greed, despite being popular on the “Christian” Left.

The sex toy incident was apparently the final straw amid mounting concerns from the Riverside Church Council about Butler’s judgment, as she was seeking a $100,000 raise. She has a $250,000 annual salary and $8,000 monthly housing allowance — on top of other cushy benefits.

Obviously this is not a ‘church.’ A quarter-million salary AND 8k housing allowance? So much for helping the poor…

Source: Reverend Amy Butler Outliberals Her NYC Church

Democrat Congresswoman Secretly Sending Staff To Mexico To Coach Migrants How To Beat System, Report Says


The face of treason: Democrat Rep. Veronica Escobar (TX)

Mark H. Metcalf, a former federal immigration judge, told the Examiner that a criminal case could be brought against Escobar if she is found to be involved in the alleged scheme, which amounts to fraud and making false statements to U.S. officials.

Fraud? Hell no! This is aiding and abetting foreign criminals to break U.S. laws. It is giving aid and comfort to hostile invaders.

It is treason.

She, and her staff, should hang.

Source: Democrat Congresswoman Secretly Sending Staff To Mexico To Coach Migrants How To Beat System, Report Says

Slavery Reparations for Millionaires

Who exactly deserves reparations here?

“Whiteness confers knowable, quantifiable privileges,” Coates ranted in a defense of reparations.

What then is the sources of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ known and quantifiable privileges, of turning down a New York Times column while getting paid by The Atlantic to blog about comic books?

How does the underprivileged Coates get to be a visiting professor at MIT despite not having a degree?

I think ALL REGISTERED DEMOCRATS should pay reparations. Democrats started a civil war to defend their ‘white privilege’ to own black slaves. Democrats started Jim Crow to defend their ‘white privilege’ to keep freed black slaves as second-class citizens.

Slavery is the only ‘white privilege’ Democrats recognize.

Source: Slavery Reparations for Millionaires


Bank of America CEO: ‘We want a cashless society’

Bank of America (BAC) CEO Brian Moynihan embraced the digital money movement on Wednesday, saying his firm has “more to gain than anybody” from the booming trend of non-cash transactions.

“We want a cashless society,” Moynihan, who heads up the second largest U.S. bank, told attendees at Fortune’s Brainstorm Finance conference.

Because then we can really start banning conservatives from life. Imagine your credit/debit card declined because you own a gun. Or voted Republican. Or go to a church that still believes in the Bible.

Source: Bank of America CEO: ‘We want a cashless society’

Justifying “Islamophobia”

My assessment of Islam, conclusively supported by indisputable facts, is that it is a dangerous, destructive and death-bearing belief system of a long-ago savage people that has inflicted and continues to inflict misery and death to people.  According to Christopher Hitchens, Islamophobia is a word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.

Islam is a degenerate, hate-filled political ideology that should be banned in any civilized society. Its adherents should be expelled or executed. Its ‘mosques’ and other properties should be confiscated by the state.

Those who believe Islam is a ‘peaceful religion’ are deluded Islam-deniers who should be expelled also.

Source: Justifying “Islamophobia”

The left’s descent into the abyss of odium

We are in fact a divided nation, the mature and immature, the civil and uncivil, the decent and the indecent.  We are divided between those who love this country and those who hate it.  Our leftists are Marxist globalists who want to see America destroyed or at least transformed from the inside, as Khrushchev predicted fifty years ago that it would be.  The Marxists have won in academe.  They have won over the Democratic Party completely.  Pelosi, Schumer, et al. are on board with flooding the U.S. with illiterate migrants, numbers of them criminals, to satisfy their anti-American ideology.  They and their agenda should be shunned by all Americans with a modicum of common sense.

This has held up well!

Source: The left’s descent into the abyss of odium

Illegal aliens are not ‘fine’ or ‘great’ people

FGP would learn the language and the laws and apply for immigration before leaving their countries of origin, and they would not come if denied.  They wouldn’t act as if they had a right to be here after crossing the border illegally.  They wouldn’t treat the sidewalks like bathrooms and break into unguarded homes and businesses.

Obvious to anyone but Democrats.

Source: Illegal aliens are not ‘fine’ or ‘great’ people

Intellectual Poverty on the Left | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.

Liberalism is fundamentally about feelings rather than thoughts. Also the left focuses on intentions, the right focuses on results and the ways by which results are achieved.

An advantage of making intentions your goal is that once you choose and announce them, you’re done. No need to follow up to see if your intentions were realized. No need to consider second or third order effects.

Leftism is about force, conservatism is about freedom and voluntary exchange. The use of force needs no theory or ideology. Anyone willing to rely on force to accomplish his or her objectives doesn’t really need to understand how the world works.

“The road to Hell is paved with good intentions…”

Source: Intellectual Poverty on the Left | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.