The Elusive American Husband | Suzanne Venker

Every week I hear from breadwinning wives and mothers who are exhausted, stressed out and resentful about having to earn an income while at the same time be a mother. I also hear from strong, successful single women who for the life of them can’t find a husband.

It would appear we changed the rules, and the new rules don’t work.

Source: The Elusive American Husband | Suzanne Venker

Criminologists Mislead Us

Between 1991 and 2017, the nationwide violent crime rate fell from 758 cases to 382 cases per 100,000 people. Despite the evidence that higher incarceration reduces crime rates, many criminologists argue that “mass incarceration” has actually “took minority men out of their neighborhoods, stripped them of voting rights, destabilized families, and sapped already-paltry economic resources from struggling communities.” Wright and DeLisi say that “Such claims could seem plausible only if one believes — contrary to evidence and common sense — that career criminals contribute positively to their neighborhoods, enjoy stable and functional families, vote, and work. What they did, in reality, was to prey on their neighbors.”


Source: Criminologists Mislead Us

ANN COULTER: Why the New York Times is unreformable and must die

Even before The New York Times launched its “All Slavery, All the Time” project, no one could accuse that paper of skimping on its race coverage, particularly stories about black

Here are some of the facts the Times left out:

♦ The gold Chevy Cruze Antwon fled did not merely “match the description of” a car used in a drive-by shooting: It was the car used in the drive-by shooting, as proved by surveillance video posted online days after the shooting and shown to the jury.

♦ The video shows 13 shots being fired from the back seat of that exact car, with — according to the prosecutor — Antwon riding in the front seat.

♦ The backseat passenger, Zaijuan Hester, later pleaded guilty to the drive-by shooting.

♦ One of the victims of the drive-by shooting told police it was Antwon who shot him. “The beef was between me and him,” William Ross told a Pennsylvania State Police officer. “That car came by, he shot me, I ran to the store.”

♦ The jitney driver told police that, right before the shooting started, he heard the backseat passenger ask, “Is that him?”

♦ The gun used in the drive-by was recovered in the back seat of the car.

♦ A stolen gun was found under Antwon’s seat, an empty magazine in Antwon’s pants pocket, and there was gunpowder residue on Antwon’s hands.

♦ The car stopped by the officer was riddled with bullet holes.

♦ The jury that unanimously acquitted the officer was led by an African American foreman, who stoutly defended the verdict.

None of that made it into the Times story on the trial’s conclusion.

Not surprising. Journalists tell stories. They are not reporters. Stories are fiction. Reporters would report the news, not tell a fictional story.

Source: ANN COULTER: Why the New York Times is unreformable and must die

Google Has My Dead Grandpa’s Data And He Never Used The Internet

The data wasn’t manually entered manually by me or anyone using my account, but yet the data is associated with my account? How did that happen?

My first step was to hit that little “Manage…” button Google has deprioritized at the bottom of their credential window to see where it took me. What I found out is that Google, as expected, has been keeping track of me very well. Upon arrival to the controls page, I found a list of “Saved Passwords” (duh) as well as a list of “Never Saved” passwords.

Hmm. Never Saved? At no point did I tell Google to create and store a list of websites I had logged into that they didn’t get access to but would like access to at some point in the future. Maybe in the Terms of Service/Privacy Policy I agreed to this, but who knows? Not the majority of us, and it’s just creepy.

Source: Google Has My Dead Grandpa’s Data And He Never Used The Internet

What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

Non-Westerners do not magically become American by arriving on our shores with a visa.

The Ten Commandments were not disobeyed – they were unknown.  The value system was the exact opposite.  You were supposed to steal everything you can to give to your own relatives.  There are some Westernized Africans who try to rebel against the system.  They fail.…

Americans think it is a universal human instinct to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  It’s not.  It seems natural to us because we live in a Bible-based Judeo-Christian culture.

We think the Protestant work ethic is universal.  It’s not.  My town was full of young men doing nothing.  They were waiting for a government job.  There was no private enterprise.  Private business was not illegal, just impossible, given the nightmare of a third-world bureaucratic kleptocracy.  It is also incompatible with Senegalese insistence on taking care of relatives.

Frankly, they sound a lot like Democrats. No wonder Democrats want open borders.

Source: What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

Democratic Party Passes Resolution Against Christianity | The Stream

The Democratic National Committee has passed a resolution in favor of religiously unaffiliated Americans, and strongly against Christian beliefs and values.

Christianity gets criticized for aligning with the Republican Party. I’m not comfortable with that myself. There’s great danger in tying ourselves to any political group. But what choice do Democrats leave us now? There are only two major parties. One of them has made its stand. It’s against us. We can’t vote Democrat and hold to our Christian values and beliefs.

Democrats are evil. They support a culture of death. Look at the cities they’ve ‘governed’ for decades; Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, San Francisco, etc. Squalor, misery, and death are the rule under Democrats.

Source: Democratic Party Passes Resolution Against Christianity | The Stream

Dispatches from the Race War

The race war rages on the culture front:

Mary Reid, assistant professor at University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, worries math tests for all new teachers could lead to fewer visible minorities entering the profession.”

The purpose of schooling is to include visible minorities. A math test uncomfortably approximates an intelligence test. These make the obvious…well, obvious. Another step backward toward the Olduvai Gorge.

Source: Dispatches from the Race War

Democrats 2020: ‘Ban All the Things!’

A member of the audience, Martha Readyoff of New Milford, Conn., said to Sanders, “Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth.…”

That last statement invalidates the question. It is an unproven assumption. The question should have been met with derision.

If you’re wondering why so many young people are mired in despair, futility, and occasionally violent nihilism, try listening to the Democrat presidential field babbling for 7 hours about how humanity is a virus that must be culled to save the Earth.

Source: Democrats 2020: ‘Ban All the Things!’

The Cost of Bad Intentions

Shriver and like-minded policymakers designed programs far more ambitious than those of the New Deal liberalism that had characterized the Democratic Party since Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s election in 1932. Though the New Deal vastly expanded the government safety net, it still recognized a connection between work and upward mobility and viewed government’s role as that of a temporary helper when someone was truly down and out. The officials behind the War on Poverty, by contrast, saw the poor as powerless, crushed by economic and cultural forces that could be overcome only with massive government help. Instead of temporary aid, welfare would now be a right, which the poor were entitled to receive, and benefits became far more generous, so that, by the late 1970s, welfare payments and other government aid now brought in about as much money as low-wage work.

Read the whole thing.

Source: The Cost of Bad Intentions

The Bulls*** Web

Here’s what Nick found on just one slow-loading CNN article:

• Eleven web fonts, totalling 414 KB

• Four stylesheets, totalling 315 KB

• Twenty frames

• Twenty-nine XML HTTP requests, totalling about 500 KB

• Approximately one hundred scripts, totalling several megabytes — though it’s hard to pin down the number and actual size because some of the scripts are “beacons” that load after the page is technically finished downloading.

When ticks me off is going to a ‘news’ site and finding I’m running scripts for Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and others I’ve never heard of. Why? I’ve never even been on Twitter or Reddit (and have no wish to be). As does the author, I now use script and ad blockers. This breaks some websites. So be it, I won’t go to them anymore. I just want to read the articles, not have an “interactive” experience.

Source: The Bulls*** Web