GOOD! Under the Trump Administration, TSA Agents are doing their job again and Muslims don’t like it one bit – BARE NAKED ISLAM

“I ended up spending almost four hours at JFK, in that seat without access to anything I owned. I’m a composer. There’s nothing more tragic to me than the waste of human capital and potential. In those three and a half hours I could have written a short piano etude or edited a movement from my now overdue song cycle with string quartet.”

I call BS on this Muslim scum. Music is haram in Islam.

Source: GOOD! Under the Trump Administration, TSA Agents are doing their job again and Muslims don’t like it one bit – BARE NAKED ISLAM

The Audacious Epigone: Average IQ of college graduates by decade of graduation

To say we’re well into the territory of diminishing returns is to understate the problem–we’re past the point of negative returns. Most Americans in college today are not benefiting from being there. They’re foregoing work to accrue debt for degrees that, if they increase earning power at all, do so only marginally and they’re picking up an unhelpful sense of entitlement in the process.

You don’t hear SJWs demanding ‘free’ trade school educations. They don’t want to work for a living. Frankly, SJWs are too dumb for either.

Source: The Audacious Epigone: Average IQ of college graduates by decade of graduation

Education Professor Wants to Push Queer Theory in Elementary School | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News

She explored “how queer theory can be a useful tool for re-imagining elementary science education and elementary science teacher preparation,” according to a webpage advertising the lecture. …

They are coming for our children. They have to. It’s not as though homosexuals are normal and can reproduce. They have to recruit the next generation.

Source: Education Professor Wants to Push Queer Theory in Elementary School | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News

Introducing The People’s Current Truth App!

The People’s Current Truth App™ requires some permissions

· Location

· Pictures

· Texts

· Social Security number

· Bank account

· Access to all other financial assets

· Access to all social media

· 24/7 tracking and surveillance

· Frontal lobe access

· Block inappropriate reading, viewing, and unapproved historical material

Source: Introducing The People’s Current Truth App!

The Bookworm Beat 4/24/17 — “watching as the Left continues circling the drain” edition

Understand that if America is stupid enough to let liberals take power again, they will persecute and prosecute normal Americans like us who dare to dissent. That’s not a guess or a prediction – that’s a commitment they have made to their fascist followers. They’ve seen what the truth can do to their schemes. After 2016, there’s no way they are going to take a chance on another electoral rejection by us normals, so they don’t even pretend to support free speech anymore. It will be one gender neutral being-one vote, one more time, and then never again.

Source: The Bookworm Beat 4/24/17 — “watching as the Left continues circling the drain” edition

Today’s Victorian Fainting Couches Are Reserved For College Students

No comparable stories of youthful struggle have arisen from the vocational education programs at Bakersfield City College, where students have to worry about getting to Applebee’s on time for their shift. Like neurasthenia, social justice agony is a rich kid’s disease.


Source: Today’s Victorian Fainting Couches Are Reserved For College Students