Category: Evil
Mental Illness Diagram
Articles: Academic Global Warming Advocates and the Power of Incoherent Jargon
Certainly it is a worthy thing to study ways to provide security and resilience for our cities. However, if you start with an unchallenged belief in imaginary global warming, you are going to end up making things worse. Substituting wind or solar power for conventional power plants does not provide greater energy security, for obvious reasons. Worrying about fashionable, imaginary water shortages distracts from real urban problems such as crime or broken families. Worrying about food security is fairly comical given the obesity epidemic.
Source: Articles: Academic Global Warming Advocates and the Power of Incoherent Jargon
The Pseudo-Science of Microaggressions | National Association of Scholars
The problem is, when Sue, Solórzano, and other critical race researchers reject “Eurocentric epistemologies” and “objectivity” they reject the methodology and standards of modern science (e.g., use of a comparison group, sufficient sample size, unbiased questions, replicability of results, use of modern statistical analysis). Instead, critical race theorists value “experiential knowledge” (e.g., the narrative). Such storytelling enables the implementation of a highly politicized agenda and places a social change agenda above objective social science research. It also makes it significantly easier to “prove” the prevalence of microaggressions on campus.
Most important, the critical race paradigm logically and unreflectively results in a one-way analysis pervasive in these studies, which all start with this premise: that microaggressions can only be perceived by non-whites but are only committed by whites. In other words, whites’ perceptions are invalid.
Source: The Pseudo-Science of Microaggressions | National Association of Scholars
Sally Cone Hits the Dating Scene: Kind of Weird, but Maybe…. | Fred On Everything
Consider the charm of a sexbot. She will be not only beautiful, indeed perfect, but perfectly beautiful just as you want her to be. She will have an “Off” button.
Off button? Sold!
Source: Sally Cone Hits the Dating Scene: Kind of Weird, but Maybe…. | Fred On Everything
GOOD NEWS STORY: Ohio Muslim shoots himself in the penis by accident | BARE NAKED ISLAM
According to Toledo police, they got a call after Murad Hamedallah was heard screaming that he had been shot while getting out of his car. The caller told police he watched Hamedallah walk towards …
Muslims should be banned from owning, carrying, or even touching firearms.
Source: GOOD NEWS STORY: Ohio Muslim shoots himself in the penis by accident | BARE NAKED ISLAM
Angels and Demons | The Z Blog
The true believer latches onto a cause, in part, because of a deep belief in magic or the super natural…
…The ruling class of America seems to be particularly prone to belief in the supernatural, despite their alleged love of science and reason. You see this in their obsession with racism. Our betters talk about racism as if it is a demon spirit. The anointed, invested with the spirit of good-think, are tasked with exhorting the rest of us to resist the Dark Lord of Racism. You see it in this post the other day by VD, regarding the hysteria at Duke Divinity School. Anathea Portier-Young sounds like she is organizing an exorcism.
Source: Angels and Demons | The Z Blog
The Problem Is Not The Islamic State But Islamic Hate | Frontpage Mag
It bears repeating: Media aren’t just covering up for Islam by pretending that the spectacular attacks committed by Islamic groups on non-Muslims are finite, localized, and most importantly, “have nothing to do with Islam.” They are covering up for Islam by failing to report the everyday persecution non-Muslims experience at the hands of everyday Muslims—Muslim individuals, Muslim mobs, Muslim police, and Muslim governments (including America’s closest “friends and allies”)—and hardly just Muslim “terrorists.” They dare not connect the dots and offer a holistic picture.
Source: The Problem Is Not The Islamic State But Islamic Hate | Frontpage Mag
Undocumented Shopping: Legacy of an African President – The Unz Review
The problem is not racist police. It is racist blacks. Whites are not burning the businesses of blacks. White people are not sacking the stores of blacks. White people are not calling for the burning of black suburbs. White people do not play the Knockout game.
We are blaming the victims.
Source: Undocumented Shopping: Legacy of an African President – The Unz Review
Fake Law | The Weekly Standard
Welcome to the rise of fake law. Just as fake news spreads ideologically motivated misinformation with a newsy veneer, fake law brings us judicial posturing, virtue signaling, and opinionating masquerading as jurisprudence.
Not seen this yet, so I’m trade-marking ‘Fake Law™’
Source: Fake Law | The Weekly Standard