Seven Thoughts on the Civil War the Other Side Wants So Badly

6. The suburbs aren’t burning despite all the calls to burn them. It isn’t hard to understand why.

Brandon Morse has a great piece at RedState warning the Antifa clowns that if they actually follow through on their threats to invade the suburbs, they won’t like the result.

“Suburbanites have a lot more to lose and are going to be a lot more apt to go to extremes to make sure no harm befalls what they’re protecting,” he says. “Too much rides on it. In the city, you were the pack of lions seeking whom you may devour. In the burbs, you’re the gazelle.”

That’s certainly true, and the rioters know it. Some of the Antifa clowns have been trying to rally their people to descend on the suburbs, and so far it hasn’t panned out.

Morse’s warning is one reason why. Know what the other one is?

Because the pasty honkies in the black sweatshirts live in the suburbs. Where do you think mom’s basement is, Watts? They’re not going to burn down their own neighborhoods; that’s for the proles to do, not the Marxist vanguard.

Source: Seven Thoughts on the Civil War the Other Side Wants So Badly

Black Lives Matter: Nothing but domestic terrorists

BLM claim they want “justice,” which is an outright lie.  The last thing they want is to let any of their pet causes make their way through the American judicial system.  They want special treatment, but more than that, they want mob rule.

BLM: the slaves of the Democrat Party.

Source: Black Lives Matter: Nothing but domestic terrorists

Horowitz: While Americans are locked up without judicial review, courts grant new rights to criminal aliens!

Let’s review the outcomes from the COVID-19 crisis:

  • Most sweeping restrictions, surveillance, and confinement of Americans indefinitely without due process in the history of America? Check!
  • Endless welfare, debt, and spending? Check!
  • Mass release of criminals? Check!
  • More foreign workers as a time of record unemployment? Check!
  • More rights for illegal aliens to come and remain here? Check!

Why is it that every policy outcome from this crisis is a long-standing liberal priority, even when the several outcomes contradict the rationale underlying some of the others?

Source: Horowitz: While Americans are locked up without judicial review, courts grant new rights to criminal aliens!

New York Will Allow Transgender Minors To Change Sex On Birth Certificate

“It shouldn’t take a minor and his family suing the state to get their rights recognized, but with this announcement, New York state eliminates an outdated and unjust barrier to transgender minors’ ability to be themselves and have accurate, essential identity documents,” Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, senior attorney at Lambda Legal, said in a written statement according to Dallas Voice.

What we have here is a group suing for a minor’s ‘right’ to OFFICIALLY LIE. There is no such thing as a ‘transgender.’ You are born male or female in every cell of your body. Period. Anything else is a mental illness. This will be true until you can change the chromosomes in every cell of your body.

Of course, lying is what the Left does best. Using the police power of the state to assist lying is pure evil.

Source: New York Will Allow Transgender Minors To Change Sex On Birth Certificate

Federal judge goes nuclear on chief justice and conservatives on U.S. Supreme Court – WND

The face of an idiot

This is Federal ‘judge’ Lynn Adelman who says:

“Rather, the Court’s hard-right majority is actively participating in undermining American democracy,…”

People like this on the courts are dangerous and a threat to the Constitution. This judge is so uneducated and ill-informed that he thinks the United States is a democracy. It isn’t a democracy, for which we should all thank God. It is a representative Republic. A Republic that protects the rights of minorities from the tyranny of the majority.

Go back to law school, ‘judge’ Adelman. Or get a copy of the U.S. Constitution and READ IT!

As for the Supreme Court ‘undermining American democracy’, THAT’S IT’S JOB! SCOTUS is supposed to uphold the Constitution, not some imaginary ‘democracy.’

Source: Federal judge goes nuclear on chief justice and conservatives on U.S. Supreme Court – WND

The Wisdom of the Electoral College

With their government design, the Founding Fathers sought to protect individual rights, not only from government, but also from our fellow citizens. As Alexander Hamilton explained: “We are now forming a republican form of government. Real Liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate government.” With democratic governance, individual freedoms can be subverted by majority rule. The Constitution seeks to advance liberty, not democracy.

Says so right there in the Preamble:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Source: The Wisdom of the Electoral College

Houston police chief calls out Cornyn, Cruz, McConnell in wake of cop’s shooting death

Houston police chief is an unAmerican, anti-Constitution @sshole.

“And who killed our sergeant? A boyfriend abusing his girlfriend,” Acevedo said. “So you’re either here for women and children and our daughters and our sisters and our aunts or you’re here for the NRA.”

I’m here as a lifetime NRA member who is flat against infringing on the natural, Constitutional rights of others because Acevedo is a failure as a police chief. He’s a crybully who obviously wasn’t there for his ‘women and children and daughters and sisters and aunts…’ Probably only there for the Democrats’ favorite constituency — hostile invaders (aka illegal immigrants).

Source: Houston police chief calls out Cornyn, Cruz, McConnell in wake of cop’s shooting death

The Democratic Cold War on Christianity Heating Up

Any public person, group, company or church that identifies as Christian will be forced to take a stand on the question of whether or not they celebrate the LGBTQ lifestyle regardless of whether they want to or not, even if they barely care about the issue.  That’s the plan.  Because the Bible presents a clear position that is counter to the prevailing culture, it is an easy avenue of attack.  The hate on this issue is one-sided.  Christian theology teaches to love the sinner while hating the sin.  Anti-Christian leftists practice hating the Christian while celebrating the sin.  Christian unwillingness to celebrate the sin is the offense that cannot be overlooked.

Source: The Democratic Cold War on Christianity Heating Up

‘The Heresy of Equality’

People do not embrace an intellectual abstraction like “equality” because it is self-evidently true, but rather because, as he says, they fear that they are somehow disadvantaged in the competition of life. Thus, whatever advantages are enjoyed by the winners in the competition are condemned as unfair — a violation of equality — and from this emerges a politics of envy called “social justice.” We see this, for example, in demands for “free” health care and “free” college tuition. Because more affluent people can afford to pay cash to send their kids to Harvard, according to this egalitarian “social justice” mentality, it is unfair that less fortunate people are effectively excluded from elite schools or, if they can gain admission to Harvard, must borrow money to attend.

It says “all men are created equal…”. It does not mean they will stay that way. Equality of outcome is NOT a feature of a free society.

Source: ‘The Heresy of Equality’

SCOTUS allows Miami to sue BANKS for its economic and social woes

But it gets worse. How is there standing in this case? Did individual borrowers who were black or Latino sue the banks and demonstrate evidence of discriminatory practices in violation of the FHA? Not a chance. It was the city government of Miami that sued the banks under dubious accusations of discrimination. Where is the injury-in-fact? How is the city a party to a “dispute” over private mortgages?

Are you ready? The argument is essentially as follows: Racist banks offered mortgages to too many black and Hispanic borrows who couldn’t afford them, which led to default, which led to foreclosures, which led to vacant houses, which brought down the values of the adjacent homes, which led to reduced property taxes, which led to more criminal and social problems, which strained the local services (fire, police, inspectors, debris collectors, etc.).

You see, had the evil banks not insidiously lent to black and Hispanic borrowers who couldn’t pay (at the coercion of government), Miami would not have gangs, drugs, poverty, and urban blight. It would be a utopia.

Another abominable, idiotic decision by John Roberts.

Source: SCOTUS allows Miami to sue BANKS for its economic and social woes