Political Correctness Destroys History and Christianity

Reading left-wing sources might give you the impression that evil Christians in Europe wanted to take back the holy land from the peaceful Muslims. Here’s a map you’ve probably never seen, showing the battles waged by Muslims against Christians. Christians fought back by focusing on the holy lands. Muslims had waged 548 battles before the First Crusade in 1095 called by Pope Urban II.

Islam is not a religion. It is a totalitarian political movement. It needs to be defeated and banned by all civilized nations.

Source: Political Correctness Destroys History And Christianity

GRINGO DE MAYO!: A Counter-Celebration for May 7 – American Digest

By my count that’s three less places that will be serving up the ” hand-wrapped garbage disposal delight” known as the “Burrito” (so named because it contains scraps of otherwise inedible food that was, in the past, fed only to Burros.)

Source: GRINGO DE MAYO!: A Counter-Celebration for May 7 – American Digest

Democrat Proposes Forcing Gun Owners to Give Up ‘Assault Weapons’

“Go after resisters…”

This is Eric Salwell (D-CA), the face of tyranny. He is in violation of his oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. This man, and all other Democrats, want to start the Second Civil War. That is what will happen if they try this.

Source: Democrat Proposes Forcing Gun Owners to Give Up ‘Assault Weapons’

The Moral War

A few decades ago, exactly no one thought it was our collective moral duty to make sure everyone has health insurance and the same level of health care as everyone else. We understood that poor people had to rely on charity. In the 1970’s, the free clinic, where young doctors volunteered as part of the training, was a staple of poor neighborhoods, especially urban ghettos. No one thought they were a failure as a citizen because the blacks in the ghetto did not have access to world class health services.

Today, the political class starts with the assumption that only a thoroughly immoral person does not dream of a world where everyone gets health insurance and access to the finest medical care. Since this is impossible in a world of choice, the default assumption is that the state must take control of the health care system.

You do not have a right to anything. It is immoral to steal from one to give to another. That is government welfare.

It is the government saying you have a ‘right’ to something someone else has and using the police powers of the state to take it, keep a sizeable chunk, and dribble the rest to you.

This makes you immoral also as it is immoral to covet that which is your neighbor’s.

Source: The Moral War

That Time When America Banned Sliced Bread

Leftists tried to ban sliced bread. The reasoning is risible:

When the ban took effect on January 18, 1943, The New York Times published the official explanation—“the ready-sliced loaf must have a heavier wrapping than an unsliced one if it is not to dry out.”

This heavier wrapping would require the paper to be waxed, Wickard explained and since America was focused on defeating the enemy, the country had better things to do than wax paper. And since bread wrapped without this heavy wax-paper would dry out more quickly, housewives would likely throw away the stale slices leading to wastage of wheat.

Emphasis added. Leftists are mentally-ill control freaks.

“They’re tormented every minute of their lives with the idea that a human being, somewhere, could be thinking, doing, or living in a way they disapprove.” — Sarah A. Hoyt

Source: That Time When America Banned Sliced Bread

Study: Describing Breastfeeding as ‘Natural’ Is Unethical Because It Reinforces Gender Roles


Yet another example of the mental illness of leftists and their war on reality. What a leftist knows about ethics is naturally risible. It is natural to laugh at them as we remove them from public view and consign them to mental institutions. What do they think breasts are naturally for?

“Referencing the ‘natural’ in breastfeeding promotion… may inadvertently endorse a set of values about family life and gender roles, which would be ethically inappropriate,” the study says.

Unless such public-service announcements “make transparent the ‘values and beliefs that underlie them,’” they should quit describing breastfeeding as “natural.”

But the study’s authors, Jessica Martucci and Anne Barnhill, clearly have in mind an alternative set of “values and beliefs,” about which which they are not transparent.

Source: Study: Describing Breastfeeding as ‘Natural’ Is Unethical Because It Reinforces Gender Roles

Temple Professor: The American Home Is an Oppressive Cisgender Space | Breitbart

A recently published academic journal article from a professor at Temple University makes the case that the typical American household reinforces oppressive cisgender normalities.

Max J. Andrucki, a professor of geography and urban studies at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, penned a recent academic journal article on the oppressive nature of the American household. The article, which was recently highlighted by the popular New Real Peer Review Twitter account, is entitled “Trans objects: materializing queer time in US transmasculine homes,” was published last week in the academic journal Gender, Place and Culture. The article, at its core, argues that traditional American homes fail to embrace “trans objects.”

Why is this guy not locked up? He’s deranged and needs to be put away for the safety of himself and his students. There is no such thing as a ‘transmasculine’ home. He’s fighting a war against reality here and doubtless he is spreading this perverted thinking to his students at taxpayer expense.

Source: Temple Professor: The American Home Is an Oppressive Cisgender Space | Breitbart

Queer Feminism: Doing It Wrong

‘Lara Americo’ (left) and Joanne Spataro (right) at DragCon in New York.

The return of her testosterone hasn’t resulted in just the resurgence of facial hair; her pants now fit differently, too. My own skin has been plagued by acne since I got off the pill six months ago, and my default states are angry, hungry or sleeping. Such are the perils of trying to have a child the way Lara and I are trying, without in vitro fertilization, or cryogenically frozen sperm. The way fertile cisgender people do: They simply couple up, and boom — a child is born. . . .

(This is so strange to Queer Feminists. Normal people doing normal things the normal way — where’s the “intersectionality” in that?)

Robert Stacy McCain does a great service. I don’t think I could possibly do research on this sort of perversion. I’d have to hit someone. Why do we tolerate having sick people like this running around loose? Bring back mental hospitals and lock these loonies up.

Source: Queer Feminism: Doing It Wrong