Heads need to roll

James O’Keefe released a report just before the inauguration, where a former FBI agent was bragging to an undercover reporter about how he had been in the Tank (that is the Pentagon underground command post) meeting with a number of senior military Generals, and they were planning to resist the legitimate orders of the President upon his inauguration. This wasn’t a one time conversation- this FBI agent was a senior advisor to the Pentagon, and also a key player in the efforts to torpedo Trump’s 2016 campaign for the Clinton campaign.

During these meetings, according to the interview, high-level Pentagon officials were discussing in secret meetings defying and potentially overthrowing Trump if he issued orders deemed controversial by military leadership. If that sentence doesn’t send a shiver down your spine, you don’t understand the US military.

Source: Article 94

02/05/2025 Wednesday

The study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing a range of other neurodevelopmental disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.

‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

Bill Gates says that in the near future humans won’t be needed for “most things” thanks to AI, but will still be required for the purposes of entertainment.

Won’t be needed by… who, exactly?

Bill Gates Says ‘Humans Won’t Be Needed For Most Things’

Illegal aliens don’t want to assimilate, they want to pillage and if possible to conquer.  This is why you see hundreds of Mexican flags flying at every migrant protest march; they have no interest in becoming American, they only want access to American wealth.  They look at the US citizenry as rubes and easy targets for plunder.

Why Mass Deportations Are Necessary And How To Keep Illegals From Coming Back


Connecticut State Senator Bob Duff, a Democrat and Groomer

Democrats like Senator Duff are pushing for the sexualization of children but Libs of TikTok won’t let them get away with it. We will expose any legislator who seeks harm to children and destroy their innocence. We will expose any legislator who attempts to crush the rights of parents to dictate their child’s life and education. We will expose any school that devolves into a woke indoctrination camp.

Source: Connecticut Groomer Legislator Exposed

Scariest thing I’ve read this week:

‘The world desperately needs serious garden seed savers, because the knowledge of how to grow our own vegetable seeds in the backyard garden is almost lost from the world. Very few people know how to do it successfully over years. Very few people indeed have deep experience. Yet without backyard seed savers and heirloom-only seed companies like mine, our entire seed supply will be corporate-owned and corporate-controlled for the first time in the history of the world. Read that twice.’

—Caleb Warnock, “Seed Saving”

Drones…False Flag?


In either case – A trigger for WWIII or a test case for banning the civilian drone market, the establishment gains an advantage.  As far as I can tell, no one else benefits from these drone incidents.  All signs point to a false flag.  If this reality is exposed widely enough, I expect that the government will finally admit that they were behind the drone flights, but only as an effort to “protect the public” from an insidious threat that they could not tell us about beforehand.

Source: Unidentified Drones In America’s Skies? Smells Like A False Flag…


Today’s “must read” article:

“If you want to start a new society, like a school or a club, there is always unease, sometimes an outcry, and once in a while the government decides to attack you with lawsuits or the like. We hear speeches like this:
“Isn’t there someone, some demographic, some ethnic minority, you’ve forgotten? Where are your wheelchair ramps and signs; where are the counsellors; do you plan on leaving the learning disabled behind; there are too few speedbumps in your parking lot; these men you read… their race, their ideas, their sex, their excellence; have you thought about representation of diverse peoples and talents in this curriculum? Your curriculum looks like it is for the fulfillment of the students, but shouldn’t it be about ‘striving to change the world’1? Shouldn’t education be for the oppressed?”