Thread by @julie_kelly2: “Since Election Night, I’ve been called a racist, a moron, an idiot, a traitor to my gender, and un-American. I’ve been accused of supporting […]”

The Left started this race war. They degrade citizenship. They trash Americans. They shoot at GOP congressmen and target pro-life high schoolers and chase people out of public spaces. They make the dangerous Nazi comparisons. They jeopardize our security and tranquility
Yep. The Democrats want another civil war.

Source: Thread by @julie_kelly2: “Since Election Night, I’ve been called a racist, a moron, an idiot, a traitor to my gender, and un-American. I’ve been accused of supporting […]”

The Rectification of Names

No, Jeffrey Epstein is not a pedophile. This is important. If conservatives keep misidentifying him as one, I fear some unfortunate consequences.

Pedophiles desire pre-pubertal children. This is not Epstein’s kink; he quite obviously likes his girls to be as young as possible but fully nubile. The correct term for this is “ephebophile”, and being clear about the distinction matters. I’ll explain why.

The Left has a long history of triggering conservatives into self-discrediting moral panics (“Rock and roll is the devil’s music”). It also has a strong internal contingent that would like to normalize pedophilia. I mean the real thing, not Epstein’s creepy ephebophilia.

Homosexual pedophiles have been biding their time in order to get adult-on-adult homosexuality fully normalized as battlespace prep, but you see a few trial balloons go up occasionally in places like Salon. The last round of this was interrupted by the need to take down Milo Yiannopolous, but the internal logic of left-wing sexual liberationism always demands new ways to freak out the normals, and the pedophiles are more than willing to be next up in satisfying that perpetual demand.

Source: The Rectification of Names

Self-Loathing As Medicine

White identity, well, that’s the worst and that’s why these lectures against identity politics never happen in front of non-whites. David French does not spend his days going to colleges demanding they junk their black studies departments. The boys at various Koch Brothers rackets are not going to the grievance studies departments, holding seminars on the dangers of identity politics. Instead, rants against identity politics are only aimed at white audiences, because white identity is what they fear.

Hmmm. Interesting take on the subject. The way identity politics is played means they should fear white identity. They are creating it!

Source: Self-Loathing As Medicine

Federal Employees Want Taxpayers to Keep Their Distance

What inhumane, outrageous and bigoted Trump administration policy has attracted the attention of Ms. Salstrom? Has someone purchased a one-way ticket to Somalia for Rep. Ilhan Omar?

Not exactly, but the outrage does involve travel. The Trump administration is planning to move portions of the Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of Land Management closer to where agriculture happens and land is managed.

Placing swamp bureaucrats closer to the people over which they rule is evidently inherently offensive. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Barnacle) warned, “In the White House, there is, among some people, a real disrespect for federal employees, animated by their disrespect for the government generally. So if you’re hostile to government, you’re then … hostile to those who work in government.”

Omigod! A sensible government policy! Democrats must be scared to death!

Source: Federal Employees Want Taxpayers to Keep Their Distance


Reverend Amy Butler Outliberals Her NYC Church

Amy Butler managed to get fired for degeneracy and greed, despite being popular on the “Christian” Left.

The sex toy incident was apparently the final straw amid mounting concerns from the Riverside Church Council about Butler’s judgment, as she was seeking a $100,000 raise. She has a $250,000 annual salary and $8,000 monthly housing allowance — on top of other cushy benefits.

Obviously this is not a ‘church.’ A quarter-million salary AND 8k housing allowance? So much for helping the poor…

Source: Reverend Amy Butler Outliberals Her NYC Church

Ray Bradbury Wrote ‘Fahrenheit 451’ to Prevent a Dystopia. Instead, He Predicted One

It’s a strange irony that, in the age of the Internet, which was supposed to encourage more transparency and debate, the open exchange of ideas is under threat. This was pointed out by another famous science fiction writer, Michael Crichton. “In the information society,” says Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park, “No one thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought.”

Source: Ray Bradbury Wrote ‘Fahrenheit 451’ to Prevent a Dystopia. Instead, He Predicted One

Democrat Congresswoman Secretly Sending Staff To Mexico To Coach Migrants How To Beat System, Report Says


The face of treason: Democrat Rep. Veronica Escobar (TX)

Mark H. Metcalf, a former federal immigration judge, told the Examiner that a criminal case could be brought against Escobar if she is found to be involved in the alleged scheme, which amounts to fraud and making false statements to U.S. officials.

Fraud? Hell no! This is aiding and abetting foreign criminals to break U.S. laws. It is giving aid and comfort to hostile invaders.

It is treason.

She, and her staff, should hang.

Source: Democrat Congresswoman Secretly Sending Staff To Mexico To Coach Migrants How To Beat System, Report Says

Robert A. Heinlein: A Writer as Big as America

No, Heinlein didn’t preach. What he did was be an American. Be an American so intensely that it was impossible for his work not to transmit it. The internal logic of the stories themselves led you to believe and think like an American.

I think that’s why the left hates him so much. At least that’s the only reason I can imagine that a writer who went out of his way to have minorities and women in starring roles in his books can be considered “racist, sexist, homophobic.” (Well that, and the fact that the left has heads full of rocks.)

In these days when the Betsy Ross flag is being transmogrified by leftist hate and intolerance into a “White Supremacy Symbol” (I ordered one for my yard, btw.) it’s impossible not to realize that what the left is trying to do is cut us off from our own history, our own symbols, and that which makes us uniquely American.

Source: Robert A. Heinlein: A Writer as Big as America