The Ohio State team produced a number of reports and helped influence the nascent study of humans and disaster. But the lessons of the Alaska quake tend to be forgotten when the world turns scary. In case after case, officials have reverted to the traditional view: that the civilian populace is not to be trusted in an emergency. Not surprisingly, this tendency towards elite panic is itself one of the key stumbling blocks to coping with disasters.
We certainly see it in the response to the coronavirus pandemic. From the first appearance of the virus in the United States, officials at the federal level, including the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration, tried to maintain tight control over the fight against the new disease. Undoubtedly, individual staffers at those institutions are deeply committed to public health. But those agencies’ policies implied that independent medical organizations shouldn’t be allowed to make major decisions about the coming pandemic.
In their panic, the idiots in our government are creating a famine.
“The shut down and slowed down packing plants are the reason. I don’t know what to do to get them back online. Some workers aren’t coming in. Some truly are sick. To maintain social distancing they had to “slow the chain”.
Because our ‘betters’ have no idea of how things like food get to the grocery stores. Because our ‘betters’ overreact to everything, like a new strain of flu from China.
Because our ‘betters’ are stupid. Because our ‘betters’ are liberals who think they are God.
Source: In their panic, the idiots in our government are creating a famine.
Welfare is Theft…
Rich people doing chores for first time: ‘It’s been a complete shock’
Left on their own for the first time, bosses are learning exactly what the hell it is that their employees do.
A Fifth Avenue doctor who has decided to hold onto a sliver of normalcy by continuing to work from her office sans employees says she discovered on Day 1 just how helpless she was without her team of five assistants.
“I didn’t even know where to put the trash,” she says. “Usually the garbage is collected by my staff and they put it somewhere. I still don’t know where that is.”
These are the people that know what’s best for us ‘deplorables.’
Source: Rich people doing chores for first time: ‘It’s been a complete shock’
Are We Witnessing a Targeted Hit Against Trump Voters? – American Greatness
Family-owned shops and workshops, the backbone of America, are closed. Fast-food franchises remain open—drive-through windows are operating at full tilt—but independently owned restaurants are shuttered or trying to survive at diminished capacity doing takeout only.
Source: Are We Witnessing a Targeted Hit Against Trump Voters? – American Greatness
Scientists discover Antartica had a lush rainforest 90 million years
Most of West Antarctica and large areas of East Antarctica were once covered in rainforest, scientists say.
Today’s icy wasteland would’ve once played host to huge amounts of plant-life – during an unusually toasty period in history 90 million years ago.
Evidence for the rainforest suggests the climate was “exceptionally warm.”
How did it get so warm without mankind emitting CO2?
Source: Scientists discover Antartica had a lush rainforest 90 million years
Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence
Dark Ages can last for centuries, after sinking civilizations in a vicious, downward vortex. “When the music’s over, turn out the lights,” to quote Jim Morrison of The Doors. Sometimes the lights stay out for a long time. Sometimes civilization itself is lost. Millions of EBT cards flashing zeroes might be the signal event of a terrible transformation.
Source: Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence
Horowitz: While Americans are locked up without judicial review, courts grant new rights to criminal aliens!
Let’s review the outcomes from the COVID-19 crisis:
- Most sweeping restrictions, surveillance, and confinement of Americans indefinitely without due process in the history of America? Check!
- Endless welfare, debt, and spending? Check!
- Mass release of criminals? Check!
- More foreign workers as a time of record unemployment? Check!
- More rights for illegal aliens to come and remain here? Check!
Why is it that every policy outcome from this crisis is a long-standing liberal priority, even when the several outcomes contradict the rationale underlying some of the others?
New York Will Allow Transgender Minors To Change Sex On Birth Certificate
“It shouldn’t take a minor and his family suing the state to get their rights recognized, but with this announcement, New York state eliminates an outdated and unjust barrier to transgender minors’ ability to be themselves and have accurate, essential identity documents,” Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, senior attorney at Lambda Legal, said in a written statement according to Dallas Voice.
What we have here is a group suing for a minor’s ‘right’ to OFFICIALLY LIE. There is no such thing as a ‘transgender.’ You are born male or female in every cell of your body. Period. Anything else is a mental illness. This will be true until you can change the chromosomes in every cell of your body.
Of course, lying is what the Left does best. Using the police power of the state to assist lying is pure evil.
Source: New York Will Allow Transgender Minors To Change Sex On Birth Certificate
Slip-sliding Away…