SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: When Islam attacked America. We will never forget, never forgive. – BARE NAKED ISLAM

9/11 JUMPERS whch was quickly banned by the U.S. and international media:It is estimated that at least 200 people jumped to their deaths, far more than can be seen in the photographs taken that morning. The jumping started shortly after the first jet hit at 8:46 a.m. People jumped continuously during the 102 minutes that the north tower stood. It took just 10 seconds to fall but it wasn’t fast enough for the victims to lose consciousness before they hit the ground.

Heartbreaking last calls to 911 operators from people in the planes and towers.

Banned video of people jumping as well as audio of final calls from victims. Personally, I think Mecca should be destroyed in retaliation.

Source: SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: When Islam attacked America. We will never forget, never forgive. – BARE NAKED ISLAM

Bayou Renaissance Man: Texans seem unhappy with the Red Cross

I know of a family that had just registered into the shelter with children go to the food distribution area. They asked a regular volunteer if they could have something to eat because they hadn’t eaten for over 24 hrs. The regular vol went to grab them food off of a table in full view of these kids. A Red Cross representative said, “No, you can’t give them anything. It’s not meal time”. The reg Volunteer couldn’t believe his ears. He had to turn away hungry kids. Unbelievable.

Don’t support the Red Cross. It’s a scam.

Source: Bayou Renaissance Man: Texans seem unhappy with the Red Cross

Articles: Hurricanes, Climate Models, and Wild Guesses

Despite myriad predictions of monster storms after Hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans, there were not a plethora of superstorms to follow. Why not? These megastorms were predicted based on the “settled science” of global warming, climate change, severe weather, and the like.

Source: Articles: Hurricanes, Climate Models, and Wild Guesses

Articles: A Clash of Cultures: The Bourgeois vs. the Burning Man

Declaring Anglo-Protestant cultural norms superior, Wax told the student paper, “I don’t shrink from the word ‘superior.'” She added, “Everyone wants to come to the countries that exemplify” these values. “Everyone wants to go to countries ruled by white Europeans.”


Source: Articles: A Clash of Cultures: The Bourgeois vs. the Burning Man

The Trace: Civilians Own 70 Times More Guns Than U.S. Police and Military Combined – The Truth About Guns

“She found that with an estimated 270 million firearms owned by everyday Americans, civilians own 70 times more weapons than all police and military services combined.” Boldly played sir! Only . . . police are civilians. Mind you, it’s a common mistake made by statists agitating for civilian disarmament.

We can do better! 100 times or more!

Source: The Trace: Civilians Own 70 Times More Guns Than U.S. Police and Military Combined – The Truth About Guns

Los Angeles Says, “Goodbye, Columbus”  |  Ricochet

So, I wonder if Mr O’Farrell wants to celebrate these peoples and civilizations. Maybe, he just wants to celebrate native peoples in North America, like the Iroquois. Many Native American activists contend that the Iroquois and their Confederacy inspired our founders in the creation of our republic (although this is doubtful since the Iroquois, like the Inca, had no written language). Then again, Mr O’Farrell may not wish to celebrate the Iroquois, who were a militant and aggressive group, constantly making war against others. This was usually done in pursuit of wealth, such as the Beaver Wars, in which, among other things, the Iroquois decimated the Huron (also known as the Wyandotte — Mr. O’Farrell’s tribe) all just to gain control of the fur market.

Source: Los Angeles Says, “Goodbye, Columbus”  |  Ricochet

Justice Department Forces Christian Pastor to Testify on Islam Views | Rule of Law

Federal law prohibits discrimination in zoning practices against religions. During the Obama administration, a radical new argument was pressed by DOJ lawyers: that zoning boards can be saddled with any “naked animus or resistance from the community.” In other words, if some people don’t want a mosque in the community, then any zoning decision against the mosque must be because of citizen opposition. It’s the everyone-is-racist if anyone-is-racist theory advanced by academia and others.

Of course, Islam is not a religion. It is a totalitarian political ideology that should be treated with the same contempt and abhorrence as Nazism or Democrats.

Source: Justice Department Forces Christian Pastor to Testify on Islam Views | Rule of Law

More Devil’s Dictionary | The Z Blog

Toxic: Any argument or fact that can be screamed away, because it is obviously true, is called toxic. The users of this word believe that the magic of their incantations will make the dis-confirming thing go away. Normal men being normal in public, for example, is branded as “toxic masculinity.” White people not robbing liquor stores or shooting one another over sneakers is “toxic racism.”

Source: More Devil’s Dictionary | The Z Blog