Articles: Democrats Are Addicted to Lies

The previous example also illustrates Democrat sanctimony or pretentiousness. Appearing good is more important than being good. As Dennis Prager explains, Democrats strut their faux virtue and courage by fighting imaginary villains instead of real ones; Islamaphobes instead of Islamism, Confederate statues and carbon emissions rather than Antifa’s war on free speech. Smaller pretentions are ubiquitous; here Obama affects a phony “street-smart” accent, not acquired in Hawaii or Harvard, to impress his young black audience.

Obvious… unless you’re a Democrat or NFL criminal.

Source: Articles: Democrats Are Addicted to Lies

The Media Wall | The Z Blog

The origins of fake news lie in the New Journalism that emerged in the 1960’s. Telling a story around the facts of a news event turned out to be a good way to go from ink stained wretch to rock star. Guys like Truman Capote and Norman Mailer were stars, because they made the news compelling. Why stick to old fashioned reporting, when telling a colorful tale, with colorful portraits of the main players, based on real events, was the road to fame and fortune? The result was New Journalism became the default.

Journalists — fiction writers.

Source: The Media Wall | The Z Blog

Reality-denying Progressives call MAGA supporters “losers”

In Leftist Land, there is no such thing as fixed gender, controlled by a person’s DNA. Instead, there are 63 genders, all of which morph constantly because all 63 genders are actually fluid. This means that, in Leftist Land, boys are girls and girls are boys and all are both and and many are nothing at all.

In Leftist Land, the appropriate response to a murderous Allahu Akhbar attack is to repeat ad nauseum that “Islam is a religion of peace.”

Source: Reality-denying Progressives call MAGA supporters “losers”

The Muslim Understanding of Reality and History

To Muslims, it’s quite simple: Allah created the world and everyone in it. Would it make any sense that there would be more than one religion in Allah’s creation? Allah would never allow that! Therefore, Adam was a Muslim, Abraham was a Muslim, David was a Muslim, and of course, Jesus was a Muslim. Because people had drifted away from Islam, Muhammad was sent to bring them back.

“I don’t think so, Tim.”

Source: The Muslim Understanding of Reality and History

Is the Earth’s Climate History Largely a Fraud? | Power Line

In this debate, there are two types of evidence. The first is the raw material of science, observation. The second is climate models…

means video games

created by alarmists for the purpose of generating scary scenarios. Anyone with the slightest acquaintance with science understands that observation (type 1) trumps theory (type2). Which is a serious problem for the left-wing warmists, since temperature records show that their models are wrong.

Source: Is the Earth’s Climate History Largely a Fraud? | Power Line

Is Islam a Religion? | PJ Media

In fact, Islam is an unrepentant politico-expansionist movement clothed in the trappings of religion and bent on universal conquest by whatever means it can mobilize: deception (taqiyya), social and cultural infiltration, or bloody violence, as its millennial history and authoritative scriptures have proven.


Source: Is Islam a Religion? | PJ Media

The Gospel According to Muhammad | The multiculturalised version of the gospel

(Matthew 4:8)

As he walked by the sea of Galilea Jesus saw two brothers: Simon, (called Peter), and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net in the sea, for they were fishermen.“Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men,” he told them. Right away they left their nets and followed him and his companions.

And they boarded a mighty ship and sailed many days on the high seas, until they came upon a lone merchantman carrying precious cargo. And then Jesus distributed eyelaps and cutlasses, and strange talking birds to put on their shoulders and he spoke:“Raise now our black flag, so it may strike terror in our enemies’ hearts.”

And the sailors of the other ship saw this sign, and they said to one another: “Lo and behold! It is the ship of the Christ! All that oppose him are doomed!”

Source: The Gospel According to Muhammad | The multiculturalised version of the gospel

Why Obama Really Spied on Trump | Frontpage Mag

Obama and his allies had violated the norms so often for their policy goals that they couldn’t afford to be replaced by anyone but one of their own. The more Obama relied on the imperial presidency of executive orders, the less he could afford to be replaced by anyone who would undo them. The more his staffers lied and broke the law on everything from the government shutdown to the Iran nuke sellout, the more desperately they needed to pull out all the stops to keep Trump out of office. And the more they did it, the more they couldn’t afford not to do it. Abuse of power locks you into the loop familiar to all dictators. You can’t stop riding the tiger. Once you start, you can’t afford to stop.

Source: Why Obama Really Spied on Trump | Frontpage Mag