Justice and “Social Justice” Are Two Very Different Things | Mises Wire

Americans cannot have both liberty and this type of social justice — under whose aegis one can assert rights to be provided education and health care, not to mention food, housing, etc. Positive rights to receive such things, absent an obligation to earn them, must violate others’ liberty, because a government must take citizens’ resources without their consent to fund them. Providing such government benefits for some forcibly violates others’ rights to themselves and their property.

Source: Justice and “Social Justice” Are Two Very Different Things | Mises Wire

Snowflake Loses Court Case Forcing Parents to Cough Up College Tuition | MRCTV

She hadn’t talked to her folks in two years, but that didn’t stop her from taking them to court and trying to legally force them to cough up a pile of dough for her expensive, completely voluntary out-of-state school fees.

If I were a guy, I’d stay clear of this snowflake. If this is what she did to the parents, the mind boggles at what she’d do to you.

Source: Snowflake Loses Court Case Forcing Parents to Cough Up College Tuition | MRCTV

Help me here as I play with an idea I had about poverty in America

The idea I’m working my way into is that America’s poor do not suffer from a lack of material wealth; they suffer badly from a lack of spiritual and moral wealth, combined with situations dangerous enough to qualify for the worst slums in South Africa. Imagine how different hings would be if one could introduce into America’s worst communities a culture of traditional morality, rather than a culture of Black Lives Matter?

Source: Help me here as I play with an idea I had about poverty in America

Ready: New Rossum’s Universal Robots: Toward a Most Minimal Wage – The Unz Review

The current notion is that when a yoyo factory automates and lays off most of its workers, they will find other well-paid jobs and continue to buy yoyos. But as well-paid jobs everywhere go automated, where will the money come from to buy yoyos? Today participation in the work force is at all- time lows and we have a large and growing number of young who, unable to find good jobs, live with their parents. They are not buying houses or renting apartments. (They may, given the intellectual level of today’s young, be buying yoyos.)

Source: Ready: New Rossum’s Universal Robots: Toward a Most Minimal Wage – The Unz Review