The Bookworm Beat 10/25/16 – the CLINTON BULLIES edition and open thread – Bookworm Room

Emotional abuse is a favorite technique for bullies. This one poster sums up perfectly why so many Americans who refuse to be victims but, instead, want to regain control over their destinies, are turning to Trump:

Source: The Bookworm Beat 10/25/16 – the CLINTON BULLIES edition and open thread – Bookworm Room


Unsocial Media | The Z Blog

I think what we are seeing is two things. One is the Progressive enforcers have squandered their legitimacy enforcing rules that are unenforceable. People get tired of being treated like children by depressed women taking revenge on the world as forum moderators. So, there is demand. There’s also the fact that people trafficking in the ideas popular on the fringe want to debate with others into the same things. There’s nothing more dull than reading a comment section filled with mainstream drivel.

Source: Unsocial Media | The Z Blog

To Battle “Trolls,” Establishment Wages War on Internet Freedom

A big step in that direction came on August 18, when the increasingly irrelevant establishment organ Time magazine published a screed alleging that “trolls are ruining the Internet.” Incredibly, in the cover story no less, establishment propagandist Joel Stein described as “trolls” the people who “relish” what he calls “online freedom” — the online ability to speak freely, anonymously, and without establishment gatekeepers to censor thought-crimes. He also deceptively tries to link “online freedom” with “hate” before suggesting that action needs to be taken to keep everyone’s feelings safe from mean old Internet trolls.

Source: To Battle “Trolls,” Establishment Wages War on Internet Freedom

Milwaukee – The Unz Review

The cultural divide appears unbridgeable. Blacks are a self-aware, aggrieved, and angry people widely apart from the civilization of whites. They have little desire for assimilation and indeed actively reject it. In Mexico, blacks speak normal Spanish and, in France, normal French. In America, Dat be actin’ white. They give their children strange names, Latoyota and Keeshawn, to maintain distance from whites. Their music is both frequently obscene and frequently hostile to whites. “Acting white,” as for example by studying, is punitively disdained. This is not headed for comfortable multicultural commensalism.

Source: Milwaukee – The Unz Review

I Want A Thank You | The Z Blog

Kaepernick was born to a destitute black mother in Milwaukee, who put him up for adoption. His father was a deadbeat from the neighborhood. In other words, he was born into the typical black environment, but unlike most black children, he was saved by a nice white couple who adopted him and raised him as their son. This got him into good schools, sports and a middle-class lifestyle. Later, nice white coaches helped him with his sports career, first at college and then in the NFL. Jim Harbaugh made Kaepernick a legitimate NFL player.

Kaepernick has decided to respond to this amazing run of good fortune, almost exclusively the result of generous white Americans, by giving his middle finger to his fellow Americans.

Source: I Want A Thank You | The Z Blog