Category: Evil
A day in the life of…
A few thoughts about the Vietnam war – Bookworm Room
The lesson I drew from that is that, as we’ve seen with Obama and the Middle East is that weak presidents are dangerous to peace.
Source: A few thoughts about the Vietnam war – Bookworm Room
Blog: Obama grotesquely had himself awarded a Defense Dept. medal yesterday
I remember when Presidents earned their medals on the battlefield before they were President.
Source: Blog: Obama grotesquely had himself awarded a Defense Dept. medal yesterday
Winners of camel beauty contest at Al Dhafra Festival crowned
Held in Madinat Zayed in Al Gharbia from December 13 to 29, the 10th edition of Al Dhafra Festival was organised by the Cultural Programmes and Heritage Festivals Committee – Abu Dhabi.
I thought all those camel-muslim jokes were… jokes!
Source: Winners of camel beauty contest at Al Dhafra Festival crowned
Girrrrl Power! | The Z Blog
Of course, the writers, directors and producers of our entertainments have to work within the rules the censors give them. We’re supposed to believe the censors were all sent packing, but they never went away. It’s just that they were replaced with ideological enforcers from the Cult. Instead of a prim faced Christian lady editing the scripts, it is a vinegar drinking lesbian from the Womyn’s Studies Department.
Source: Girrrrl Power! | The Z Blog
Barack Obama: Father of the Most Violent America Ever
The truth is Barack Obama’s policies have killed more Americans than any other president, except Lincoln.
Source: Barack Obama: Father of the Most Violent America Ever
Blog: Professor tweets ‘all I want for Christmas is white genocide’
Merry Christmas, Sailors | Ricochet
The CNO was forced to admit that he rammed his bow forcefully up his own stern and misjudged exactly how unpopular this course of action would be.