The Democrats’ Constitution Problem

Now, when a judge the Left doesn’t like is, in Brett Kavanaugh, seated on the high bench, the complaining starts about how the senators who confirmed him didn’t represent a majority of the voters. “It’s not about Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged behavior. It’s about justices who do not represent the will of the majority,” says a column in the Times by no less a figure than Michael Tomasky.

That, of course, would be like complaining that the justices do not, say, take in home sewing. It’s not their job to take in home sewing. Their job is decide actual cases and controversies. Nor is it the job of the senators to represent the will of the majority. That is the job of the Representative House, the only house whose seats are apportioned by population. The job of the Senators is to represent the states.

That’s the Senate’s very purpose. The Left likes to suggest that the only reason for this was to protect slavery. Yet even the original Constitution anticipated an end to slavery. It still made the equal representation of the states in the Senate the only feature of the parchment that could never be amended absent the consent of the state being denied equal representation.

I blame the 17th Amendment. The Senate is no longer chosen by the State governments but by the people, same as the House. In effect we have two Houses of Representatives. The State governments are unrepresented.

Do you really think that a Senate that represented the States would vote unfunded mandates on their States?

Source: The Democrats’ Constitution Problem

‘We’re Coming For You’: Illiberal Left Goes Bananas Over Kavanaugh


So, to recap: These are people who accost other humans in restaurants and hallways, attack restaurants for the political ideas of the customers who eat in them, claw at the doors of the Supreme Court when they don’t get their way, threaten to release medical information about senators’ children in retaliation for facing the consequences of losing a free and fair election, face polls turning upside down on them by doubling down on these kinds of tactics — oh, yes, and send shock squads to assassinate the character and terrorize the family of anyone who thinks differently as racists, murderers, and rapists. All this while insisting through clenched teeth that they are the party of tolerance, love, and empathy.

The word for this is:

Source: ‘We’re Coming For You’: Illiberal Left Goes Bananas Over Kavanaugh

HUNGARIAN FOREIGN MINISTER shocks CNN journalist by saying “We reject multiculturalism”

She then argued that the Hungarian government is wrong, and that Hungary has no “immigration problem”. She pointed out that of Hungary’s 10 million inhabitants there are less than 4,000 refugees, that the country has no major crime and that no terrorist attacks have occurred.
Oddly, she fails to understand that the reason for the low level of crime and absence of terrorism is the direct the result of NO MUSLIM IMMIGRATION.

Amen. These are not ‘refugees’. These are hostile invaders. They need to be met with force.

Source: HUNGARIAN FOREIGN MINISTER shocks CNN journalist by saying “We reject multiculturalism”

The Practice of Ritual Defamation

An important rule in ritual defamation is to avoid engaging in any kind of debate over the truthfulness or reasonableness of what has been expressed, only condemn it. To debate opens the issue up for examination and discussion of its merits, and to consider the evidence that may support it, which is just what the ritual defamer is trying to avoid. The primary goal of a ritual defamation is censorship and repression.

This is the third item out of eight in the list.

Source: The Practice of Ritual Defamation

Mob Rule Comes to America

Thus, it is not enough to denounce the thugs.  George Soros, the billionaire funding the assaults and attacks, must be brought to justice for not only inciting violence, not to mention investigated for sedition, a crime we need to begin to take seriously.  He and his minions are obstructing the agenda we voted on and one we won.  It is imperative that Republicans in office begin to use the term “sedition” in public.

Those who plot the overthrow of the United States as a constitutional republic for a one-world order, as Soros has openly advocated, can no longer be ignored.  He and his marching minions must be prosecuted for funding a war waged against our republic, and let it be a warning that we will no longer sit idly by as we watch our country destroyed from within.

The entire leadership of the Democrat Party is also guilty of sedition.

Source: Mob Rule Comes to America

Our Progressive Future: Folsom Street Fair – Moonbattery

San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair shows us what the future will look like if liberals keep winning the Culture War.

For poet Maryann Leilani Wood, 42, “the playground,” a fenced-off area for women as well as transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, was invaluable. Everyone was welcome in the zone except cis-men, or those who were assigned the male gender at birth and still identify that way.

Inclusion is very important to moonbats, but there is no need to go overboard and be inclusive even toward men who admit they are men.

Source: Our Progressive Future: Folsom Street Fair – Moonbattery

Tolerance: Not really a thing in Islam

I strongly disagree with letting Muslims believe what they want to believe when they hold that I, as a non-Muslim, have no right to live.  Or if I am to live, I must live a subservient life to that of Muslims.  Wherever they are in power in the world, Muslims do everything they can to make non-believers’ lives dreadful and deadly.

I don’t tolerate the belief and practices of Islam, in the same vein as I reject fascism and all other exclusionary oppressive systems of belief.

As they say, tolerating evil is not tolerance.  It is a crime.

Source: Tolerance: Not really a thing in Islam