University of Colorado Bans Free Inquiry of Students Questioning Global Warming

The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs has clamped down on students who challenge the orthodoxy regarding manmade global warming.

Seems they’re losing the argument. The closing of the American mind is alive and well at U of Colorado.

Source: University of Colorado Bans Free Inquiry of Students Questioning Global Warming

Liberal arts colleges — making young adults mentally ill (Warning: NSFW)

After announcing the high proportion of mentally ill incoming freshman, the one male speaker, who is OELAC’s counselor, assured us that even those kids who haven’t yet been diagnosed with anything specific will still have transition problems. Most of us call those inevitable problems “part of growing up,” but he’s a hammer and all those students learning and growing are little pathological nails in the making.

Source: Liberal arts colleges — making young adults mentally ill (Warning: NSFW)

The Bookworm Beat 6/27/16 — the “post-Brexit world” edition and open thread

These academics and professionals may style themselves as an intellectual elite, but the evidence on the ground shows that universities no longer teach, they propagandize. Students are no longer exposed to broad swathes of history, literature, and science. Instead, they drill down endlessly into victim studies, victim literature, and climate change “science.” They come out of college less educated than when they went in.

Source: The Bookworm Beat 6/27/16 — the “post-Brexit world” edition and open thread

UA to offer master’s degree in ‘Transgender Studies’

“One reason why the search didn’t work the first year is that the three people who had been hired were all white, and we were really trying to prioritize hiring faculty of color,” Plemons said, explaining why UA has only hired three of the four new staff members for the Transgender Studies Initiative so far.

Not only worthless, but racist too.

I’ll add that there are already degrees in this. These are degrees in Psychology and Psychiatry, the study and treatment of the mentally ill.

Source: UA to offer master’s degree in ‘Transgender Studies’

How ‘Concept Creep’ Made Americans So Sensitive to Harm – The Atlantic

During the 1950s, third graders could walk to school, play alone at the park, or bike 10 minutes to a friend’s house without anyone worrying or objecting, so long as they came home for supper or before the street lights came on. Today, though kidnapping is just as rare, a parent who allows that same behavior is at risk of arrest or even losing custody of their children to their state’s child protective services bureaucracy. Society’s concept of what constituted an unacceptable risk, harm, or trauma expanded for ill. In Hanna Rosin’s words, it “stripped childhood of independence, risk taking, and discovery—without making it safer.”

A 17-page pdf available at here


Source: How ‘Concept Creep’ Made Americans So Sensitive to Harm – The Atlantic

Articles: How to Create Functional Illiteracy in 7 Easy Lessons

7) ACCEPT THAT DRUGS WILL BE AN IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR READING PROGRAM.  You won’t be able to read, but you won’t care, thanks to the magic of Ritalin and other chemicals.  So don’t waste time being fidgety, impatient, and unhappy.  This is the brave new world of school-induced acceptance of mediocrity.


Source: Articles: How to Create Functional Illiteracy in 7 Easy Lessons
