Progressives have mounted a dangerous attack on American democracy

The EC was intended to serve two purposes: (1) To remove mobs from directly electing the president (and we can see with Progressives how out of control and damn stupid mobs can be); and (2) to ensure that more populous states do not entirely remove the less populous states from the election process.

Source: Progressives have mounted a dangerous attack on American democracy

Council of Europe Recommends British Press NOT Report when Terrorists are Muslims

The ECRI report establishes a direct causal link between some tough headlines in British tabloids and the security of the Muslims in the UK. In other words, the British press is allegedly inciting readers to commit “Islamophobic” acts against Muslims:

I don’t see the problem…

Source: Council of Europe Recommends British Press NOT Report when Terrorists are Muslims


Articles: Censoring Language as Offensive Violates the Constitution

But like many other liberal power-enabling concepts, those perpetrating it intend to repeat it so often that it becomes accepted by a majority of Americans. But it cannot survive constitutional scrutiny for the simple reason that in order to accept the censorship authority of person A, one has to disqualify the censorship authority of person B. Simply put, this implies that one person’s feeling of being offended has value, and everyone else’s doesn’t.

Source: Articles: Censoring Language as Offensive Violates the Constitution


The Bookworm Beat 10/23/16 – the culture war edition and open thread – Bookworm Room

Please understand that what happened to Street Cakes wasn’t about lesbians getting their wedding cake. If those lesbians wanted a cake in Oregon, they could have enriched God-alone-knows how many different bakeries. Instead, this was about destroying Christians’ right to withdraw voluntarily from a competitive marketplace in order to protect their religious sensibilities.

Source: The Bookworm Beat 10/23/16 – the culture war edition and open thread – Bookworm Room

Muslim Imam Refuses To Swear On Constitution, Judge Refuses Something Of His

When leftists defend Islam, they are defending wife beating, child marriage, slavery, and the execution of homosexuals, adulterers, blasphemers, and apostates — just like Allah commanded and the Islamic prophet Muhammad modeled. In essence, they are advocating for everything they claim to stand against.

This needs to be done in every country. Especially the USA.

Source: Muslim Imam Refuses To Swear On Constitution, Judge Refuses Something Of His


You Owe Them Nothing – Not Respect, Not Loyalty, Not Obedience – Kurt Schlichter

Now it seems we actually have a new social contract – do what we say and don’t resist, and in return we’ll abuse you, lie about you, take your money, and look down upon you in contempt. What a bargain!It’s not a social contract anymore – American society today is a suicide pact we never agreed to and yet we’re expected to go first.I say “No.”We owe them nothing – not respect, not loyalty, not obedience. Nothing.

Source: You Owe Them Nothing – Not Respect, Not Loyalty, Not Obedience – Kurt Schlichter