The Cost of Bad Intentions

Shriver and like-minded policymakers designed programs far more ambitious than those of the New Deal liberalism that had characterized the Democratic Party since Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s election in 1932. Though the New Deal vastly expanded the government safety net, it still recognized a connection between work and upward mobility and viewed government’s role as that of a temporary helper when someone was truly down and out. The officials behind the War on Poverty, by contrast, saw the poor as powerless, crushed by economic and cultural forces that could be overcome only with massive government help. Instead of temporary aid, welfare would now be a right, which the poor were entitled to receive, and benefits became far more generous, so that, by the late 1970s, welfare payments and other government aid now brought in about as much money as low-wage work.

Read the whole thing.

Source: The Cost of Bad Intentions

The Bulls*** Web

Here’s what Nick found on just one slow-loading CNN article:

• Eleven web fonts, totalling 414 KB

• Four stylesheets, totalling 315 KB

• Twenty frames

• Twenty-nine XML HTTP requests, totalling about 500 KB

• Approximately one hundred scripts, totalling several megabytes — though it’s hard to pin down the number and actual size because some of the scripts are “beacons” that load after the page is technically finished downloading.

When ticks me off is going to a ‘news’ site and finding I’m running scripts for Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and others I’ve never heard of. Why? I’ve never even been on Twitter or Reddit (and have no wish to be). As does the author, I now use script and ad blockers. This breaks some websites. So be it, I won’t go to them anymore. I just want to read the articles, not have an “interactive” experience.

Source: The Bulls*** Web

The Hate They Create: Democrats Sow the Wind, and Reap the Whirlwind

Daniel Greenfield explains at Front Page: Identity politics was born out of an effort by leftist activists to identify and mobilize potential supporters by breaking down a sense of national solidarity along the lines of group victimhood…

Public schools are now dedicated to teaching children to hate Christianity, to hate their parents, to hate capitalism — to hate America — and a crucial part of this curriculum is systematic indoctrination about race, gender and sexuality: White heterosexual males are evil!

Having been taught (at taxpayer expense) that their lives are worthless, young white males internalize a suicidal sense of self-hatred, and then everyone acts surprised when some pathetic young loser decides that it would be cool to end his life with a mass-murder rampage.

Democrats and other left-leaning groups actually promote mental illness in schools. Listen to their beliefs and teachings and tell me it’s inspiring and uplifting. No. It’s all negative.

Source: The Hate They Create: Democrats Sow the Wind, and Reap the Whirlwind

Heading for civil war

Codevilla notes that prominent Democrats like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton have led millions of their followers “to think and act as if conservatives were simply a lower level of humanity, and should have their faces rubbed in their own inferiority.”

It’s not surprising that many ordinary followers have concluded that harassing conservatives in restaurants, airports, and public functions is not just permissible but praiseworthy, and if thousands of persons who exercise power over cities, towns, and schools have not concluded that facilitating such harassment and harm is their duty.

Stock up on guns, ammo, food, water…

Source: Heading for civil war

MSNBC Analyst: Trump Flying Flags at Half-Mast Until 8/8 Is a Nod to Neo-Nazis

MSNBC analyst Frank Figliuzzi drew a numerical connection on Monday between neo-Naziism and the Trump administration’s decision to fly flags at half-mast until Aug. 8 in honor of the victims of a pair of mass shootings.

“The numbers 88 are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter ‘H’ is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them the numbers 8-8 together stand for ‘Heil Hitler.’ So we’re going to be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8.”

“No one is thinking about this,” he added.

That’s because we aren’t deranged moonbats. Meanwhile, in the sidebar over at Ace of Spades somebody commented:

Someone should tweet the @FBI and ask them to endorse or refute the theory of their former head of the Counterintelligence Division that the date of August 8th is automatically Nazi numerology, even when it just appears on the calendar.

The FBI should also be apprised that their credibility with future juries depends on their answer on this. If FBI “experts” believe in secret “numerologies” involving August 8, then I think juries can pretty much discount any testimony from FBI agents or “experts” going forward.

They might also want to tell us how many chiefs they have who are around-the-bend conspiracy theorists. Is that a prerequisite to be head of a division in the FBI, or will they train you to be a conspiracy theorist if you don’t have experience already?

Best and the brightest, everyone. Best and the brightest!


Source: MSNBC Analyst: Trump Flying Flags at Half-Mast Until 8/8 Is a Nod to Neo-Nazis

Lessons for America From India’s War Against Muslim Illegal Migrants

What makes America’s border different from those of so many other countries isn’t the lack of fencing. Smugglers, traffickers, and assorted criminals can often find weak points in any security setup. In most countries, the defense of the border is seen as a national security issue backed by real firepower.

America’s Border Patrol has less than 20,000 people. India’s Border Security Force has 186 battalions and 257,363 people. It’s a paramilitary organization with an intelligence network, ten artillery units, air and marine wings, and canine and even camel units. And the weapons aren’t just there for show.

Over 1,000 illegal infiltrators have been killed trying to enter India from Bangladesh in over a decade.

BSF personnel are allowed to shoot on sight.

And that is what we need to be doing on our borders.

Source: Lessons for America From India’s War Against Muslim Illegal Migrants

#Normalphobia Running Amok in the Democrat party

People have known throughout history that some people for whatever reason have an attraction to the same sex, women who have such an attraction are called “lesbians” People, even those who disapprove of this preference understand that these lesbians prefer the sexual company of other women. but liberal say that if a man declares himself a woman and a lesbian that any lesbian who reject them is a bigot.


Democrats… the normalphobes.

Source: #Normalphobia Running Amok in the Democrat party

Navigating to the Moon — Remembering the Apollo Sextant

The Apollo sextant was used in Earth and lunar orbit, as well as while en route between Earth and the Moon. It played different roles in each of those contexts: in orbit around Earth or the Moon, the sextant could be used to compute the spacecraft’s altitude and position; whereas in transit between Earth and the Moon, it could be used to compute the spacecraft’s attitude (orientation), position, and velocity. A proper attitude during the flight to and from the Moon was critical for accurate course corrections and burns to reach the Moon and correctly insert the spacecraft into the desired lunar orbit. The device was used repeatedly throughout the Apollo program across many phases of the missions, up to and including re-entry.

Pretty impressive advanced technology! Also shows how the basics will never be outdated.

Source: Navigating to the Moon — Remembering the Apollo Sextant