Karl Denninger’s Presidential platform – there’s some good stuff here

  • A National Emergency will be declared on the first day of my Administration relating to the Internet and threat to our Republic that the current abuse of same both foreign and domestic has incurredany coordinated action to ban particular political perspectives, points of view or publishers shall bring instant prosecution under 15 USC carrying felony criminal penalties.  I will perp-walk every single major social media, transport, cloud and DNS company executive straight into federal prison if I must. The bullcrap we’re dealing with now will stop or the firms doing it will be destroyed with their executives asset-stripped to their underwear.

  • The Glo-bull warming scam will be stopped dead.  All federally funded research and data, past, present and future shall be declared as public domain.  Mann and his cohorts will be forced to disgorge same or be charged with theft (or destruction, if they try to evade it via tampering) of government property.  Enough.

There’s more good stuff like this at The Market Ticker

Source: Karl Denninger’s Presidential Platform – there’s some good stuff here

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Right-wing, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, Heterosexual. How else can I offend you today?