Milwaukee – The Unz Review
The cultural divide appears unbridgeable. Blacks are a self-aware, aggrieved, and angry people widely apart from the civilization of whites. They have little desire for assimilation and indeed actively reject it. In Mexico, blacks speak normal Spanish and, in France, normal French. In America, Dat be actin’ white. They give their children strange names, Latoyota and Keeshawn, to maintain distance from whites. Their music is both frequently obscene and frequently hostile to whites. “Acting white,” as for example by studying, is punitively disdained. This is not headed for comfortable multicultural commensalism.
Source: Milwaukee – The Unz Review
Liberal arts colleges — making young adults mentally ill (Warning: NSFW)
After announcing the high proportion of mentally ill incoming freshman, the one male speaker, who is OELAC’s counselor, assured us that even those kids who haven’t yet been diagnosed with anything specific will still have transition problems. Most of us call those inevitable problems “part of growing up,” but he’s a hammer and all those students learning and growing are little pathological nails in the making.
Source: Liberal arts colleges — making young adults mentally ill (Warning: NSFW)
I Want A Thank You | The Z Blog
Kaepernick was born to a destitute black mother in Milwaukee, who put him up for adoption. His father was a deadbeat from the neighborhood. In other words, he was born into the typical black environment, but unlike most black children, he was saved by a nice white couple who adopted him and raised him as their son. This got him into good schools, sports and a middle-class lifestyle. Later, nice white coaches helped him with his sports career, first at college and then in the NFL. Jim Harbaugh made Kaepernick a legitimate NFL player.
Kaepernick has decided to respond to this amazing run of good fortune, almost exclusively the result of generous white Americans, by giving his middle finger to his fellow Americans.
Source: I Want A Thank You | The Z Blog
Courts rulings make every Democrat voter a SuperVoter™
Being progressive, we’re not saying that minorities are less intelligent or less capable of getting voter IDs than white people. Oh, who do I think I’m fooling? Of course we are.
Source: Courts rulings make every Democrat voter a SuperVoter™
Human Nature and Rock-and-Roll : The Other McCain
List of Islamic Terror Attacks
During this time period, there were 181 Islamic attacks in 22 countries, in which 1250 people were killed and 1475 injured.
(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).
Source: List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Strange Mattress Surfaces At Louisiana Floods That Has Obama And BLM Thugs TICKED
“Look at what the white trash at la towing and recovery on plank rd n Zachary put out by the road!! If they feel like that abt the president then they feel like that abt all black people .so don’t use them for anything!!!”
Nice grammar and punctuation. Maybe she graduated from Kindergarten but it’s doubtful.
Source: Strange Mattress Surfaces At Louisiana Floods That Has Obama And BLM Thugs TICKED
Sultan Knish: How America’s Polygamy Ban Blocked Muslim Immigration
The Immigration Act of 1907 had been meant to select only those immigrants who would make good Americans.
And Muslims would not.
In his 1905 State of the Union address, President Theodore Roosevelt had spoken of the need “to keep out all immigrants who will not make good American citizens.”
Source: Sultan Knish: How America’s Polygamy Ban Blocked Muslim Immigration
Ruling Class Madness | The Z Blog
The open borders types never bother to explain how their new borderless society will work or what would happen if it turns out to be something other than paradise. When anyone bothers to ask them, they respond like it is obvious, but to date no one has tried to explain how a world without borders could possible work. The best they can muster is something about “who we are” which is ridiculous in a world without borders, as there is no “we” for us to be. It’s madness dressed up as morality.