The New Wedge Issue for 2016: LGBT Rights | Nice Deb

Get ready to be disgusted.

Indeed. If I am ever ‘required’ to attend one these celebrations of perversity and mental illness you can bet my boss will be facing a charge of sexual harassment, and violating my 1st Amendment religious rights, including the right to discriminate.

Source: The New Wedge Issue for 2016: LGBT Rights | Nice Deb

What The Left by Effort and The Right by Complacency Have Wrought – Vlad Davidiuk

For decades now, the racially-motivated, culturally intolerant, religiously bigoted, economically destructive Left has increasingly divided Americans, exacerbating ruptures, exposing fault lines on every issue of significance, down to the foundations of the Republic, in a never-ending quest to redefine society, fundamentally transform American identity, and attain and hold power over every individual.

Source: What The Left by Effort and The Right by Complacency Have Wrought – Vlad Davidiuk

Yeah? – Knuckledraggin My Life AwayKnuckledraggin My Life Away

Let’s not forget the guns being so easily available. Is that right? Can anybody out there tell me how much return fire there was from the patrons of the club? Uh-huh. There were probably a few gun owners there – unarmed gun owners.Yeah, I know it’s illegal to carry a gun where alcohol is served. Guns in clubs are dangerous – last night proved that.

Source: Yeah? – Knuckledraggin My Life AwayKnuckledraggin My Life Away

‘The Personal Is Political’: Feminism and the Problem With Keeping Score : The Other McCain

However, feminism actually encourages the pursuit of casual sex as “empowering” — an exercise of “sexual autonomy” — and any criticism of promiscuity is rejected by feminists as “slut-shaming.” Feminism thereby promotes exactly the kind of behavior that puts young women at risk of “date rape.”

Source: ‘The Personal Is Political’: Feminism and the Problem With Keeping Score : The Other McCain

Articles: Islamist or Progressive? It’s getting hard to tell the Difference

As we have seen at recent political rallies and gatherings, leftists are increasingly adopting the Islamist perspective that violence against nonbelievers in the advancement of their intolerant extremism is perfectly acceptable, because their opponents deserve it for their apostasy.

Source: Articles: Islamist or Progressive? It’s getting hard to tell the Difference

Muslim Students Demand Special Prayer Room, School Wipes Grin Off Their Faces

Unlike any other religion, culture, or ideology, Islam has conquered over 50 countries through migration, birth rate, conversion, and the slaughter of over 270 million in just 1,400 years. The fairly young religion is an expert at establishing Sharia governances that push out religious minorities. However, they have had much more success through political correctness.

It is not a religion; it a fascist, totalitarian political movement for misogynist, immature men. It should be banned and wiped off the earth.

Source: Muslim Students Demand Special Prayer Room, School Wipes Grin Off Their Faces