The Battle of Tours
It seemed that Muhammed and his successors did not understand that “Jihad” meant internal struggle over oneself and that “Islam” meant “peace” and the meaning of “submission” was one’s own submission to Allah. They apparently thought “Jihad” meant real war against unbelievers, using real swords and spears, leaving real dead and mutilated bodies in its wake and the “submission” was forcing those not in Islam to submit to it. But what did they know? They only founded the religion or followed in the footsteps of the founder.
Need another Charles Martel to hammer the Moslem nail… hammer it all the way to Mecca.
Source: The Battle of Tours
How the Left is Banning Conservatives From the Internet – Frontpagemag
The detached terms that the new censorship is hiding behind, like ‘fighting disinformation’, are Orwellian euphemisms. Speech isn’t a bodiless abstraction. Disinformation implies an objective source of information. Nobody fights disinformation, they silence some people and empower others. They create authorities over speech and use that authority to perpetuate their own power structures.
Source: How the Left is Banning Conservatives From the Internet – Frontpagemag
Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Jakub Baryła
Poland has saved Western civilization before, when King John III Sobieski stopped Islam at the Gates of Vienna in 1683. It may come to the rescue again by standing against moonbattery while other countries succumb. If anything worthy of the name “civilization” survives in Europe, future centuries may remember 15-year-old Jakub Baryła alongside Sobieski — provided people have not forgotten him already.
Needs to happen at every disgusting moonbat (redundant) ‘pride’ event. This kid is fighting for civilization. Thanks Jakub. Great idea.
“Rationalizing is the bringing of ideals down to the level of one’s conduct. Repentance is the bringing of one’s conduct up to the level of his ideals.”
Age and Guile
I believe that this is why the most current most prominent spokes-idiot for the cause of countering Global Climate Change is a sixteen-year old spoiled child of Euro-privilege and bad parental/educational practice. And I will maintain that it is bad parental practice to allow teachers and mass media to scare the snot out of your offspring on a regular basis. Responsible parents are supposed to stand in the way of cranks, busybodies and propagandists, all of whom apparently get a great deal of satisfaction leaping out of metaphorical closets and yelling “Boo! Yer all gonna die!” just as they are supposed to stand in the way of their kids doing stupid things like getting neck tattoos and STDs. Well, I suppose that not all those people getting a rise out of scaring the snot out of kids can make horror movies, be Stephen King or even organize neighborhood haunted houses.
Source: Age and Guile
Good point
Soldier of Fortune: John Smith before Jamestown
Mercenary, pirate, Turkish slave…
Most of what we know about Smith’s life before Jamestown comes from his The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Captaine John Smith (1630). He provides such a daredevil account of his life that critics have sometimes accused him of exaggerating his exploits. But by comparing Smith’s own account with letters and documents of the time, scholars such as biographer Philip Barbour have confirmed his story and clarified it. It is an amazing story.
NYC now has a ban on saying “illegal alien”
So using the same phrase that appears all through Title 8 of federal law to identify an illegal alien in New York City can now land you in hot water. And if you inform the illegal alien that you are going to report their unlawful presence in the country to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), not only will the police not assist the feds in taking the illegal into custody, but they may be dispatched to take you in if the person files a complaint.
I would just blast Genesis from my sound system! (better download this before it’s banned…)
What Is a Man?
If you don’t have to worry about food, clothing and shelter, and if war and violent crime are distant enough as to pose no threat to your safety, then it’s possible to think that masculine traits are no longer essential.…
… For the woman raised in the more affluent sectors of our society — the college-educated journalist or academic — the manly virtues may seem superfluous.…
… such women are apt to make nitpicking complaints about men failing to measure up to the standard of equality, in terms of doing housework or performing “emotional labor” in relationships. It does not occur to such a woman, in the air-conditioned comfort of her existence, that a man might have inherent value as a man,…
Source: What Is a Man?