The Faceberg Six | The Z Blog

“Six months from now, being #nevertrump is going to be the mark of Cain, regardless of the election outcome. If Trump loses conservatives will blame these traitors for the defeat. If Trump wins, the #nevertrump loons will be packed off to the labor camps. Well, we can dream.”

Source: The Faceberg Six | The Z Blog

Navy Lesbian Briefings 1952

Including info on how they have to recruit because no one is ‘born’ that way, as proved by the current LGBT issues concerning ‘self-identification’, ie, choice.

Musician Daryl Hall’s Must-See Response When Salon Presses Him on ’Cultural Appropriation’ and ‘White People’ | Video |

Hall went on to ask about the source of such critiques, and the interviewer replied that much of it comes from academia.

“Well, then they should go back to school,” Hall shot back. “Academia? Now, there’s a hotbed of idiocy.”

Source: Musician Daryl Hall’s Must-See Response When Salon Presses Him on ’Cultural Appropriation’ and ‘White People’ | Video |

Blog: Venezuela seizing factories, arresting owners

This is what Obama, Hillary, and every Democrat in this country want to do to us.

“Socialism’s toxicity has never been more tellingly demonstrated than in Venezuela, which is rich in natural resources, but falling apart, threatening to become another North Korea, all in the name of socialism.”

Source: Blog: Venezuela seizing factories, arresting owners

Sultan Knish: Who Can Count the Dust of Jacob

“The battles today are new, but they are also very old. The weapons are new, but the struggle is the same. Who will remain and who will be swept away. Some 3,000 years ago, Judge Jephthah and the King of Ammon were exchanging messages not too different from today’s diplomatic communiques. The King of Ammon demanded land for peace and the Judge laid out Israel’s case in a message that he knew the enemy would hardly trouble to read before going to war.”

Source: Sultan Knish: Who Can Count the Dust of Jacob