Why you should be grilling with mayonnaise

You can – and should – grill almost everything using mayonnaise. Here’s why, plus some tips, tricks and recipe ideas.

“Mayonnaise acts like little time-release oil capsules, and you can put it on thick. And the emulsifiers like to stick to the meat,” Blonder said. Mayonnaise is a great release agent for meat, and is particularly helpful for grilling chicken and fish.

Source: Why you should be grilling with mayonnaise

History, Race and ‘Science’

This is an insult, and insults lead to resentment. Does anyone suppose that “white people,” as a collective group, will forever be content to shrug off this kind of insulting racial guilt-trip? Any sober student of history must conclude that “Fierce Fat Feminist” is a fool to imagine she can haphazardly hurl such provocative anti-white insults onto the Internet without consequence. Even if you know nothing of history, however, why do you think Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton? And why do you think liberals were so surprised by Hillary’s defeat?

Source: History, Race and ‘Science’


Chaos is the reason nobody can figure Trump out or predict his future actions. It’s chaos to everyone else but to Trump, it’s controlled chaos. Chaos is the reason our military, if left alone, does so well in battle and was recognized as such by our adversaries.

Alignment: Chaotic genius!

Source: Chaos

‘New California’ Could Become the Next West Virginia

“The new legislature and officials were quickly recognized by President Donald Trump, who, citing his authority under the Insurrection Act and Article IV section 4 of the United States Constitution, deemed them the official government of the state, and sent federal troops from the 101st Airborne Division to Fresno to ensure that what he called ‘leftovers’ of the ‘old, failed state government’ were unable to ’cause trouble.’ President Trump’s recognition was echoed in a joint resolution of the Republican-controlled Congress, which perhaps anticipated the addition of two new Republican senators.”

Source: ‘New California’ Could Become the Next West Virginia