FBI Official: FBI Agents Threatened Physical Harm to President Trump In Missing FBI Texts & Other “Frightening” Communications – True Pundit

Did FBI brass discuss the assassination of President Donald Trump? If not, what was the nature of the threats against the president from inside the alleged premiere law enforcement agency in the United States?

“(Director) Wray wants a lid on this,” the FBI official said. “Many know there was talk of harming Trump politically but there is a group here (in D.C. HQ) that understands it goes deeper. We need a special counsel or Homeland Security. Somebody has to clean this up outside of DOJ. It is unacceptable.


As reported yesterday in True Pundit, members of the FBI and Justice Department’s top brass at their Washington D.C.headquarters and other field offices are now using burner phones to stay under the radar of federal investigators and lawmakers, according to FBI insiders.


And now more text messages are missing from more FBI agents, according to the Justice Department.

That means 50,000 text messages.



High treason. There needs to be some high-level prosecutions, convictions, and executions of Deep State personnel.


Source: FBI Official: FBI Agents Threatened Physical Harm to President Trump In Missing FBI Texts & Other “Frightening” Communications – True Pundit

Maine’s Food Sovereignty Law Is a Hit

What’s behind the FSO movement? Mainers’ fervor for food sovereignty began to solidify in the state at the beginning of this decade, in the wake of the state’s prosecution of a raw milk farmer. Another key impetus for the movement was a state exemption for farmers who wanted to sell less than $1,000 in poultry annually. Those who wished to sell poultry under the so-called exemption first had to spend tens of thousands of dollars to comply with state regulations.

Source: Maine’s Food Sovereignty Law Is a Hit

Director of CAIR Missouri wants to prosecute Americans who insult Islam…using sharia law

“Report anti Islamic and anti Muslim content on the internet to appropriate authorities to take action to remove it and go after those who post it online and prosecute and take actions according to the Shariah ruling.”

Go for it you goat-f*cking, pedophile-worshipping, murderous @sshole.

Source: Director of CAIR Missouri wants to prosecute Americans who insult Islam…using sharia law

The False Teachings of the National Council of Churches

3. “Tax and budget policies that reduce disparities between rich and poor, strengthen democracy, and provide greater opportunity for everyone within the common good.”  Is this what Jesus taught?  Did He complain that the people under Roman rule needed a fairer tax code?

These are not churches so much as leftist political agitators.

Source: The False Teachings of the National Council of Churches

This is the next tactic to disarm us – Personal Liberty®

There are millions of gun owners in America who consider themselves Christian. Now we have atheists in places of influence and power declaring ad hoc that Christianity is a mental disorder that can and should be cured. The day is soon coming where a person’s Christianity will get him labeled as mentally defective and therefore ineligible to possess weapons.

Democrats and all other flavors of leftists are, by definition, mentally ill and should be banned from gun ownership and holding any elective office. Round them up and dump them in San Francisco. Then quarantine San Francisco.

Source: This is the next tactic to disarm us – Personal Liberty®

The Top 10 Reasons You Should Own An AR-15 Rifle

By process of elimination, that leaves being prepared to defeat tyranny as the most relevant of the militia’s purposes today, as James Madison and Alexander Hamilton envisioned in The Federalist Nos. 46, 28, and 29. That is to say, not to merely “resist” tyranny, as the late Justice Antonin Scalia, mischaracterizing Justice Joseph Story’s “Commentaries on the Constitution,” pretended in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008, pp. 24-25), and certainly not to do so unsuccessfully (Heller, pp. 55-56).

Being prepared to defeat tyranny is relevant for another reason. When the left achieves absolute power in a country, it murders its political opponents.

We’ve seen this murderous intention stated most recently by Democrat Representative Eric Swalwell who said that the U.S. government would use its nuclear weapons in a hypothetical war against Second Amendment supporters refusing to give up their firearms.

Source: The Top 10 Reasons You Should Own An AR-15 Rifle