TRAPPED! Chuck Schumer STUNNED by Trump’s clever political move

Chuck Schumer didn’t see THIS clever move coming! Learn how Donald Trump is less than four days away from total victory — and the mainstream media had NO IDEA!

It’s led to many of the problems of the so-called “Deep State.” Put simply, it is entrenched government bureaucrats that have tried to undermine the Trump administration because of the White House’s promise to reduce government waste and cut back on spending.

It has been a legal nightmare for the Trump administration, but technically there’s not much the president can do…

Unless federally employees were furloughed for over 30 days.

Then, thanks to technical rules, the Trump administration is legally free to release anyone they want from their contract. And the White House can do so without cause — which saves a mountain of paperwork.

I hope this is true.

Source: TRAPPED! Chuck Schumer STUNNED by Trump’s clever political move

Chuck Todd Devotes an Hour to Attacking a Strawman

The belief in human-caused warming exceeding a level that what would be relatively benign, and maybe even beneficial, is just that — a belief. It is not based upon known, established, and quantified scientific principles. It is based upon the assumption that natural climate change does not exist.

Got that. Let’s repeat:

It is based upon the assumption that natural climate change does not exist.

Source: Chuck Todd Devotes an Hour to Attacking a Strawman

Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions

Unlawful alien, caught possessing a firearm, is charged with violating a federal law that categorically bars unlawful aliens from possessing firearms. Defense: That law violates the Second Amendment. Ninth Circuit: We’re not sure whether the Second Amendment applies to unlawful aliens in the first place, but even if it does, this law passes muster. It’s sufficiently tailored to the government’s crime-control interests since unlawful aliens are subject to removal, are often hard to trace, and “have already shown they are unable or unwilling to conform their conduct to the laws of this country.”

Did Hell freeze over? The Ninth Circus got one right!

Source: Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions

Caravan forming in Honduras, could be larger than previous attempt

Another migrant caravan hostile invasion is reportedly forming in Honduras.

Another hostile declaration of war. If you’ve read Julius Caesar’s The Gallic Wars you know it starts with a mass ‘immigration’ of the Helvetii. They claimed to only want to cross the Rhone river and pass through Roman and Roman-allied territories. Caesar put a stop to that. He killed them.

I recommend carpet bombing this ‘caravan.’

Source: Caravan forming in Honduras, could be larger than previous attempt

‘Bruce Jenner Is Still A Man’ Sign at Northern California Church Draws Protesters

On Sunday, people from across Siskiyou County gathered at the church to protest the sign, viewing it as hateful and exclusionary.

“As a community I hope that we can come together to show our love and support for the LBGTQ community in protest to the hate and slander that is being thrown at them,” organizers of the “Shastina Love Rally” at the church wrote in a Facebook event planning the Jan. 6 protest.

Who’s excluding? If you decide to be a freak you are excluding yourself. You are free to do that, but you are not free to impose your immorality, mental illnesses, or other perversions on others.

How intolerant of the LBGTQ ‘community’ of perverts.

Source: ‘Bruce Jenner Is Still A Man’ Sign at Northern California Church Draws Protesters

Random question

As I was reading the news today a thought came out of nowhere. Why is it, I wondered, that the two best Presidents in my lifetime, Reagan and Trump (so far), are both former Democrats who left that party before becoming President?

Did they get ‘woke’?

Armed Washington State Residents Stop Nail Gun Theives

(I know, the headline misspelled thieves.)

They didn’t expect to be surrounded by about six customers with guns raised.

One customer was standing in front of the car, yelling at the alleged thieves to get out.

“He won’t shoot, run him over,” one of the suspects reportedly said.

The driver pulled forward, causing the man confronting him to land on the hood, court papers say.

Another customer shot at the driver’s side front tire, according to documents. A third fired twice at the rear tire.

Well done. They should be given recognition for upstanding citizenship. But…

The Police in Marysville are looking to find the armed citizens who fired the shots that flattened the suspects tires.

The armed citizens are, with considerable justification, refusing to get involved further. These citizens should be found. They should be applauded. They should be celebrated.

But I doubt that’s why police in Washington State want them.

Source: Armed Washington State Residents Stop Nail Gun Theives