Bikini baristas fight for their right to bare butts

Seriously? Who even uses a term like ‘anal cleft’?

I don’t want to see you ‘anal cleft’ at all. OK, I might not mind if a young, attractive woman is wearing a thong at the beach… which is not what I consider a work environment. If you are at work showing your ‘cleft’ I’ll consider it sexual harassment and file a complaint.

How much “anal cleft” is one allowed to show while at work? That’s the question one Washington state court is trying to answer. A US Circuit Court of Appeals is reviewing an ongoing legal saga

A US Circuit Court of Appeals is reviewing an ongoing legal saga between bikini baristas and the city of Everett over the anatomical phrase “anal cleft” and whether dress codes imposed on businesses violate their civil rights.

Their civil rights? How about MY civil right to not see your nasty ‘anal’ anything? Showing that in public is rude, crude, and should be socially unacceptable. Have these people no self-respect?

Well, if you go around showing it off, don’t complain if some raghead camel-jockey member of the ‘religion of peace’ rapes you. You asked for it.

Source: Bikini baristas fight for their right to bare butts

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