Articles: Psychodynamics of Obama’s and Hillary’s ‘White Guilt Forever’ Conversation

While still in Europe, the president said, “I’d like both sides to listen to each other.”  For Obama, there are two sides to murdering policemen if they are guilty of being white.

A pathetic president and party.

Source: Articles: Psychodynamics of Obama’s and Hillary’s ‘White Guilt Forever’ Conversation


A View From A Black Police Officer [MUST READ]

Complaint: Police always targeting us, they always messing with the black man.

Fact: A city where the majority of citizens are black (Baltimore for example) …will ALWAYS have a higher rate of black people getting arrested, it will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting stopped, and will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting killed, and the reason why is because a city with those characteristics will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks committing crime. The statistics will follow the same trend for Asians if you go to China, for Hispanics if you go to Puerto Rico, for whites if you go to Russia, and the list goes on. It’s called Demographics

Source: A View From A Black Police Officer [MUST READ]

‘The Personal Is Political’: Feminism and the Problem With Keeping Score : The Other McCain

However, feminism actually encourages the pursuit of casual sex as “empowering” — an exercise of “sexual autonomy” — and any criticism of promiscuity is rejected by feminists as “slut-shaming.” Feminism thereby promotes exactly the kind of behavior that puts young women at risk of “date rape.”

Source: ‘The Personal Is Political’: Feminism and the Problem With Keeping Score : The Other McCain

Hamilton Awards Speech: “The Only True ‘Safe Space’ is Liberty and Freedom”

“The only true ‘safe space’ is liberty and freedom”: Heather Mac Donald’s rousing Hamilton Awards speech.

“Can we have a reality check here? Every American college student today, no matter his race or gender, is among the most privileged individuals in human history. Millions of Chinese students are at this very moment studying their butts off in the hope of gaining access to the intellectual resources that American students take for granted.”

Source: Hamilton Awards Speech: “The Only True ‘Safe Space’ is Liberty and Freedom”

Articles: Killing Christianity in America

A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad. Therefore, insane beliefs completely divorced from the ground of being can only be established by force of law and strategies utilizing persecution aimed at eventual elimination of entities in opposition to those beliefs.

Source: Articles: Killing Christianity in America

Articles: The Fruits of Multiculturalism, Abroad and at Home

There is within our own borders a rising culture of anti-Constitutional, anti-American aggression and fascism, perpetrated upon Americans by other Americans who are so assured of their own moral and intellectual superiority that they have no need of laws that constrain their dominance over their fellow citizens. They are smarter and better than the rest of us, because they say so.

Source: Articles: The Fruits of Multiculturalism, Abroad and at Home

Sultan Knish: Youmerica

“The paradox of the individualistic society is that it can only exist if individuals embrace virtues that are greater than their own needs and whims. A society where each individual acts as a little tyrant, pursuing his desires with total selfishness at the expense of everyone else becomes collectivist as the little tyrants turn to a series of big tyrants to get what they want no matter who gets hurt by it.”

Source: Sultan Knish: Youmerica

You’ll never guess this priest’s clever idea for conservative Christians asked to serve gay weddings *UPDATED*

If you’re wondering why we’re suddenly hearing so many stories about conservative Christians (not Muslims, mind you, just Christians) being dragged before the thought-police for failing…

When some homosexual couple comes to your Christian business for services at their immoral event, don’t panic. Go ahead and take their business!

Then explain what is going to happen next.

Source: You’ll never guess this priest’s clever idea for conservative Christians asked to serve gay weddings *UPDATED*

How To Escape The Age Of Mass Delusion

“It is simply a question of organizing and manipulating collective feelings in the proper way. If one can isolate the mass, allow no free thinking, no free exchange, no outside correction and can hypnotize the group daily with noises, with press and radio and television, with fear and pseudo-enthusiasms, any delusion can be instilled.”

Source: How To Escape The Age Of Mass Delusion